Haywire Day

From Lemmy's Camp Fire Tales

Ludwig, who had just had yet another ingenious idea for an invention, stepped inside his personal laboratory - and screamed at what he saw. An old invention of his, which he had not cleaned in a while, had grown a pile of slime 5 feet high while he was gone! Ludwig sighed and called for a servant to clean the invention. ‘Just what I need!’ he thought. ‘Another delay before I use my wonderful invention.’ It looked better than new when the servant walked away. However, when he slammed the door, his table jiggled and his inventions fell off! Every one of them! Ludwig stayed calm about this. He was smart enough to control it. He sighed and started searching through the pile of broken parts to see if any could still be used. To his amazement, he found something he had never seen before laying on the floor! "Ah!" he screamed. It was a bomb!

Ludwig quickly got out a wrench and made the bomb stop just in time. He ran back to the Koopa Troopa servant and took him by the arm. He put him in the dungeon, without Bowser's permission. When Bowser heard about this he forgave Ludwig and just glared at the Troopa. They walked away. Ludwig went back up to check for more dangerous items. Suddenly the door burst open and FBI agents surrounded Ludwig. One agent had a taser and shoved it into Ludwig's side.

They took him to court and the judge read the verdict. "Ludwig, I find you...”

At that moment Larry burst into the room and demanded, "Stop this thing! This is not a trial! These are Troopas all dressed up!" He pulled a mask off one of the Troopas.

Wendy looked down at the floor sheepishly and sighed, "Sorry. It was me."

Bowser and Ludwig forgave her. Now honest Troopas cleaned the room. Ludwig looked around every corner of his lab to see if any bombs were there. He found nothing. However, as he started to relax and take a little nap, Roy burst into the room and cried, "A snowball (gasp) out (gasp) side!"

Ludwig went out and saw the biggest snowball he had ever seen! He blinked a few times, and asked Roy, ''How In Dark Land did you make that? There's molten Lava ever...'' He stopped, and noticed that ALL the lava in Dark Land was iced over. ''HOLY GOOMBAS!!!'' he shouted.

Then they all looked up, and saw a huge weight like thing falling from the sky! It landed near them. It was marked with the word ‘Haywire’. Ludwig did not know what it was at first, but then said, "This machine is all wrapped up and stuffed together, but most of the time it expands and is a huge fan! It must have made things here very cold! Let us destroy it before we freeze!"

Lemmy answered, "Nonsense! I love ice!"

Morton agreed and said, "I love cold, snow, ice, cold, winter, freeze stuff and I love hot things, too, but I like cold better today then hot, burn, dessert, icky, yucky, hot, stuff..."

"No!" Ludwig snapped.

However, at that moment, Bowser went outside and demanded, "Koopalings! What have you done?! I am so mad! I am gonna send you to the dungeon! Oh......Wait a sec! This is great ice! Thank you, guys! Ludwig, why don't you like it?"

Ludwig said nothing. He walked to his room and started thinking of more inventions. He looked out the window and saw the others playing. He got happy again, and decided snow was fun. However, just as he stepped outside, all the others walked in! Ludwig went back to his room to see a Thwomp jumping up and down on his bed! "Get off!" Ludwig screamed. The Thwomp got off and went to another room.

Ludwig went downstairs for a snack, but then heard Wendy telling a story. He listened for a little while and then got his snack. Then they all went outside again, and this time Ludwig came out too. After that, they all got ready for bed. However, just as they started getting ready, the wind broke a window. Bowser cleaned it up. ‘What a haywire day!’ Ludwig thought. He went to bed. However, when he woke up, it was much more frozen outside!

The End

Credit goes to Sandslash, Bruno, Wendy, Winx, Kooky, and me for writing, editing, suggesting, or in any way enhancing this story.

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