Welcome to Hippypunk's Tribute to Young Starlets, the update page. Inside you will find beautiful young stars of sports, movies, television, and modelling. From now on all updates will occur on this page only.

Please click on the links to download these images.

a-natbak.gif: Natalie from Nickelodeans Natalie's Backseat Traveling Web Show. Made by jazz411@epix.net .
alyssa01.jpg: Alyssa Milano. One of my favorite and first Young Starlets!
alyssa02.jpg: Alyssa Milano.
dancers.jpg: The dancers from the Jabba's Palace scene in The Return Of The Jedi the special edition.
disciak04.jpg: Dominique Swain.
dominiques02.jpg: Dominique Swain.
dominiques02.jpg: Dominique Swain.
ds15.jpg: Dominique Swain.
dsnw02.jpg: Dominique Swain.
mel01.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mel02.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mel07.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mel09.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-2.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-2.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-3.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-3.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-4.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-5.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-6.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-7.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-8.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjhart-3.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjhart-4.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjhart-5.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjhart-6.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjhart-7.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
mjh-8.jpg: Melissa Joan Hart.
jeng-1.jpg: Janeane Garofolo
jeng-2.jpg: Janeane Garofolo
jeng-3.jpg: Janeane Garofolo
jeng-4.jpg: Janeane Garofolo
jeng-5.jpg: Janeane Garofolo
tatyan-3.JPG: Tatyana Ali. Star of the Fresh Prince.
tatyana-2.JPG: Tatyana Ali. Star of the Fresh Prince.
tatyana.JPG: Tatyana Ali. Star of the Fresh Prince.
scarlett-2.jpg: Scarlett Johansson.
amanda-2.jpg: Amanda Bynes on All That.
amanda3-2.jpg: Amanda Bynes on All That.

Please visit the rest of my site.

Home: My tripod homepage.
My Mirror: My geocities homepage.
My personal website: With music links, movies, literature, science fiction, suggested reading and a lot more!
Hippypunk's Starry-eyed Christina Ricci love page!: My tribute to Christina Ricci. With my own creations, pictures, and links.
Vogue Bambini and other children's fashion photos: A page for people who appreciate the beauty of children.
Hippypunk's Links to Beauty Page. : Links to more pictures of children, teen starlets, fan sites, movies, parents and children's resources and more!
Hippypunk's reading list.: Look here for some of my favorite books and a ton of literature links.