QUESTION: What do you think about your fans reading Playboy?

RINGO: Our young fans aren't supposed to read Playboy.

JOHN: It's you, their fathers, who should hide it from them.

RINGO: If their fathers read it, send us the back issues.

QUESTION: Everybody has a theory on why you affect crowds the way you do. Do you have one?

PAUL: No, not at all.

QUESTION: Does marriage agree with you?

RINGO: Yes, it does.

JOHN: Yes.

QUESTION: How did you propose to your wife?

RINGO: Same as anyone else. Are you maried? If you're not, you'll find out.

QUESTION: I want to get married and I want to do it right.

RINGO: You want to do it right?

QUESTION: How do I do it?

JOHN: Use both hands.

QUESTION: Ringo, would you like to be a disc jockey?

RINGO: Oh yeah, yeah.

QUESTION: I'd like to ask Mr. Lennon why he took up writing and who's your biggest influence in that field?

JOHN: I don't know why I took it up and I haven't got a hero.  Well, I suppose maybe Lewis Carroll.

QUESTION: Which film do you enjoy more. Help! or A Hard Day's Night?

GEORGE: We enjoyed both of them actually, I think the new one we liked a bit more because we knew more about the film business, you see.

QUESTION: Do you prefer the shorter tour this year as opposed to last? Does it give you more time to rest?


QUESTION: What kind of shampoo do you use?

RINGO: Anything we can borrow.

QUESTION: I'd like to know what happened to the color of John Lennon's hair.

JOHN: It's covered in sweat, you see, so it looks darker than it is.

QUESTION: Recently, on the Musical Express winners' concert and at Shea Stadium, you wore military type uniforms. DId you design them yourselves?

PAUL: No, we were in the Bahamas and I had nothing to wear, so I borrowed a soldier's outfit off the film and somebody said, "Wow, that's okay." So I said, "Right."

JOHN: That's how it happened.

GEORGE: Then we had them made.

QUESTION: Would you boys ever like to do a tour with completely English acts over here?

RINGO: We usually do in Britain. There's quite a lot of them over there.

QUESTION: Do you think that traveling with women companions hurts your image?

PAUL: We're not traveling with women companions, and, anyway, we haven't got an image.

QUESTION: Of all the countries you've traveled, which audience has been the most responsive?

JOHN: Gravelbede!


PAUL: America, actually, because there's more people. It's the biggest place.

QUESTION: Paul, are you planning to marry Jane Asher?

PAUL: I haven't got any pans. That's all there is, but everyone keeps saying I have. So maybe they know more than me.

QUESTION: Would you like to visit Niagara Falls?

GEORGE: We've seen the photographs.

QUESTION: What was your reaction to your greeting in Rome?

JOHN: We had a good greeting, contrary to rumors over here. There was nobody at the airport because we arrived at five in the morning, but the show was a sellout. So sit down!

QUESTION: Did you boys have any difficult moments during the filming of Help!?

GEORGE: Only trying to get to the studio on time.

QUESTION: Have you had a chance to enjoy your success?

RINGO: Yeah, all the time, ha-ha.

QUESTION: Are you bored with this life, or do you still find it exciting?

JOHN: We still like it or we wouldn't be touring.

QUESTION: Are you going to have any more Beatles' Christmas shows?

JOHN: Ask Mr. Christmas Epstein.

GEORGE: Mr. Epstein may have a Mr. Epstein Christmas show?

JOHN: It'll give him something to work on.

QUESTION: Do you plan to continue writing and if so, do you have a medium in mind?

JOHN: Yeah, because I think we're still under contract now, but I've got nothing in mind. It will be the same stuff, only backwards.

RINGO: Nothing in his mind, you get that?

QUESTION: Individually, how do you like being the Beatles?

RINGO: Simply wonderful to be here.

JOHN: We like it or we'd be the Rolling Stones.

QUESTION: How long do you plan to continue doing concert tours?

PAUL: It's up to Brian and the people who buy the tickets.

JOHN: Until people stop coming to see us.

QUESTION: Will Paul tell us a bit about his marriage plans?

PAUL: You've just asked me. The thing is, you see, everyone keeps saying I'm married or I'm divorced or I've got fifty children, but I haven't ...

RINGO: You've only got forty.

PAUL: I haven't said anything, people keep making it up, so if you'd like to make it up, I'll sue you.

QUESTION: Have any of you boys had a mental block on stage?

JOHN: It happens, yes.

PAUL: What?

JOHN: I didn't know what key I was in last night.

QUESTION: Ringo, Gerry Shotberg, the photographer, questioned whether or not you were still taking pictures. You said, "No, because I'm bored and all I can take pictures of is hotel rooms." Do you feel you boys have to stay in too much?

RINGO: The question is, why have I really stopped taking photographs?

QUESTION: Well, I realize it just gets boring staying in the hotel room.

RINGO: It's not boring staying in the hotel room, it's boring taking photographs in a hotel room.

QUESTION: We realize that John and Paul are both prolific songwriters and we get the impression that their songs are written very quickly. How far in advance do you compose them?

PAUL: It depends. If we feel like writing a lot, then we'll get ahead of what we've got to do, but mainly we just write to order if we're doing a new film or LP. Brian makes us work.

QUESTION: Do you mind that you can't hear yourself think when you're singing?

JOHN: How do you know we can't hear ourselves think? You weren't in our minds, were you? We can hear ourselves think or we would forget what we were doing.

PAUL: The thing about singing, it doesn't matter because people pay to come in and know what they want. They don't pay to come in and do what other people want them to do. They're having a good time, so leave them alone. Up with the workers!

QUESTION: Do you call what they do having a good time?

PAUL: Why not? It's only you who don't!

JOHN: They must be or they wouldn't be coming again and again. If they were having a bad time like you, they wouldn't come.

QUESTION: Do you realize a lot of English groups are stealing your limelight?

JOHN: Yeah, it's terrible.

QUESTION: Ringo, are you Jewish?

RINGO: No, I'm not Jewish.

QUESTION: If there had been national service in England, would the Beatles have existed?

RINGO: No, because we would have all been in the army.

PAUL: Unless we all got into the same hut.

QUESTION: Would Ringo consider changing his hairstyle?

RINGO: For what? I'm quite happy.  

QUESTION: What do you think of the news media keeping you in front of the public?

JOHN: They're doing very well and without them people wouldn't know what we're doing, so that's it.

QUESTION: I was talking to Bill Haley at the start of this show and he was mentioning getting a gig together via TelStar with all the English and American groups. Who do you think would win such a challenge?

JOHN: By the fans at the moment the English would win. But if we judged it, the Americans would probably win.