Don't you hate it when ALL the really pretty dresses are size 6? And the store can't even order one larger. I am no Linda Dano, but I like to think I have a flair for fashion. I know what looks good on me. I like to wear a sheath type dress with a floaty tunic type top. Also leggings with a long floaty top looks good. Blazers look good with anything (even jeans). Good legs are an asset. I don't mean little skinny legs, I mean LEGS! A nice V neck or a square neck is good. If you are not a size 6, you do not need a round neckline.

Foundation garments………… Do not economize on your foundation garments! A good bra is a must. No Walmart here! If at all possible, find a Pennyrich or Sculptress consultant. Do not settle for a cheap one.

Shoes…………… Shoes are very important. PLEASE; shoes, hose and skirt color must blend. NO white hose with black skirt and shoes, unless the shoes are spectator type. Comfortable shoes are very important for good looks. 3 inch heels are pretty, but face it, they hurt! A 1 inch heel feels much better. I like the Annie. They come in many stylish colors and styles and they feel good. If your feet hurt, your face shows it.

Hats………… Hats are lovely, hats are mysterious (Men love a lady in a hat). A pretty hat will make you feel very elegant, plus it is an attention grabber. Be sure your hat style fits your face shape. A pillbox is lovely on a tall slim gal, but it is a disaster on a shorty. Wear your hat low on your forehead, not slung back unless you are very young and very slim. Straw is very nice casual wear for summer. The cute ones with the flower on the back are especially cute with the flower worn on the front.


Cosmetics……… I do not wear makeup, but a good skin care program is very important. I am a JAFRA consultant and I use the Essential skin care for sensitive skin. (For more about JAFRA email me) I use brown brow tamer as my brows are very pale and thin, and a pretty lipstick and I am all set for whatever my plans are for the day.

Hair Care………… If you need color on your hair, DO IT! We need to do whatever it takes to keep our self confidence. As a senior, I use a lighter shade than my natural color (whatever that was) because if you go darker, it will look harsh and makes the wrinkles show.


HEALTH………… Take care of your health! Because of my family history of cancer, I am a vegetarian.(Yes I eat cheese and eggs, but no flesh foods) I eat lots of green and yellow vegetables and legumes. I drink lots of water and green tea. The only caffeine vice I have is Pepsi, but I try to limit myself to one a day. I could eat a case of snickers a week, but I don't even keep them in the house. I only buy one occassionaly and then, I savor it.

KEEP BUSY……… Don't wait for someone to make you happy! They are too busy making their own happiness. You are responsible for your own happiness. Don't wait for someone to invite you out, decide where you want to go……and go. My first outing (alone) was to a thrift store. You don't have to buy, just look what other people are disposing of. Then I ventured to the mall……then the art museum. I volunteered at our live theatre (more on this elsewhere) as a Juliet; I joined the Republican Women's Club (okey, there is a Democratic Women's Club too); I joined the Christian Women's Club……there is one near you. Check the Sunday paper for the first Wednesday of each month. The Chamber of Commerce needs volunteers, hospitals need volunteers. We need to feel needed. If you have children in school, their school needs volunteers (the other kids will appreciate you more than yours do). Join a sorority, you are not required to be in college or a college graduate. Find a Beta Sigma Phi near you. They are wonderful friendly gals.


GET A JOB……… I have a 41 yea old mentally challenged,multi-handicapped daughter who lives at home and attends the sheltered workshop for about 6 hours a day. I wanted to work, but couldn't find a job within that time frame. So I started my own housekeeping service. This is great as you don't have to work for anyone you don't want to. You also work your own days and hours. I have some really nice people I work for. I also recruited my husband (Jack) after he retired. He is indespensible! and we enjoy working together. We also have contracts with apartment complexes.

T.V.………… I admit it, I am a Soap Addict!!! I tape the CBS soaps and watch them at my leisure. I have grown old with "As The World Turns" cast. It's like they are an extension of my family. I don't watch very much evening T.V.

FAMILY……… I have four adult children including my special one. Charles is 50 years old and has been married to Karen for 31 years. They have three adult children. The oldest is Kathy who is marrried to Martin and they are the parents of four of my seven great grandchildren: Christian, Joseph, Autumn and Trinity. Sabrina is married. Jason is the shy one and was recently married to Danielle.
Dian is 46 and a mother of two; David who is 25 and Kenda who is 24 and the mother of my other three great grandchildren: Destiny and Curtis and De'ana.
Rodney is 42 and parent of four: Ian who is 22, Ashley is 15, Le'ana is 12 and Evan is 8.
Lana is our special 41 year old angel. She doesn't always act like an angel, but she is our special child. She will always live at home with us.


Angel Unaware
Family Photos
My Faith And Beliefs
John 4:16
My Awards
My Gifts