Welcome to the XC Ranch. We are the Clark's and we raise registered Texas Longhorn cattle. Today's Texas Longhorns are the result of almost 500 years of natural selection ( only the best survive!). These cattle have several characteristics that set them apart from common beef cows. These include: longevity (20+ years old and still calving annually), disease resistance (virtually immune to pink-eye and other common cattle ailments), ease of calving ( common 100% unassisted birth rates - in 8 years of raising these cattle, we have never had to assist in a birth ), browse ability (eat low quality forages other cattle pass up), and low cholesterol/lean beef (recommended as the red-meat of choice for health consious consumers). Texas Longhorns vary in color and color patterns from solids to spotted, from black to white to red, brown, grulla, and everything in between. Good Texas Longhorn cows will have horns measuring 50+ inches when measured straight across tip to tip, bulls 55 - 70 inches, and the magnificent Texas Longhorn steer up to 90+ inches!! These are truly the cattle that built Texas and the legendary cowboy. We think they are the most beautiful cattle in the world. Come on by and visit us, we love to show off our cows and talk Longhorn!!
6808 Avenue B
Santa Fe, TX 77510
United States
E-mail us if you want to talk Longhorns! We love chatting about this awesome breed. Also, we have tons of information on the Texas Longhorn. Let us know if you would like us to send you some! We have several beautiful cows for sale. We would love to send you pictures of them! We have three beautiful calves left. One show quality heifer, if not sold, we are considering showing at the Houston Livestock show and Rodeo.
...email us and we will be happy to email or send you pictures of cows and calves. Happy Trails!