Friday, March 14, 2025

Horses of TV and Movies

Famous Equine

A collection of more Famous and not so famous
Movie horses - TV horses - Trick horses - Stunt horses.

A variety of equine pictures and information concerning
the horses, ponies, burros, donkeys, mules and zebra
featured in the movies and television through the years.

There are plenty of horses missing,
You could have the hidden facts!
Do you have more equine info in to add ?
Be a part of the preservation of history
of the TV and Movie horses.
That includes the donkeys, mules and zebra too!
If you are a animal trainer, wrangler, stunt person
or an owner of the equine in films, TV or commercials -
let us know your story. Send it to Horse Fame.

Eddie Murphy and horse in movie Dr. Doolittle
above photo The remake movie version of "Doctor Doolittle" with Eddie Murphy and the police horse who needs glasses.  right photo In the 1967 movie "Doctor Dolittle", with Rex Harrison the horse and other animals were trained at Thousand Oaks, California's famed Jungleland supervised by veteran trainer Roy Kabat.
Rex Harrison and horse in movie Dr. Doolittle

Famous falling stunt horse of this era: "Kamikaze"
This horse appeared in recent movies called The
& The Mexican Horseman plus others.
Kamikaze's Owner/ Trainer / Stunt cordinator/ Stuntman: David Alvarado
Kamikaze is a 7 year old brown quarter horse who David saved from slaughter. It is believed he is grandson to cutting horse champion Mr. San Pepe of King Ranch Horses of Texas. David's ranchis near Alice, Texas and had been doing stunts since 1994. He has more horses in the movies, TV, and commercials. His horses are regularly used for Walker Texas Ranger TV series. Two horses of the MacDonald Ranch of Scottsdale Arizona named Buster and Rebel also appeared on the series "Walker Texas Ranger".

Hopalong Cassidy and Topper

A cameo appearance was made by
Hopalong Cassidy (William Boyd) riding his white horse "Topper" during the circus parade inside the tent of the movie
"The Greatest Show on Earth".

peaceful bucking stunt horse

The movie called "Fancy Pants" with Bob Hope and Lucille Ball the bucking palomino horse was named Peaceful. Bess was the calm dark horse.

Bob Bess and Lucy

Whirling Jet Lucy and Ethel

Shirley Jones and trotter horse

above and below black and white photos
Whirling Jet was the name of the horse
who was a trotter on the 1950's
" I love Lucy" show.
Whirling Jet relaxes on the chair.
above and below color photos
A few horses from the movie called "April Love" with Shirley Jones, about a trotter. April Love, which was filmed around Lexington Kentucky, was a remake of the movie Home in Indiana.
Whirling Jet sitting on the chair Shirley Jones and horse

Banner with John Wayne John Wayne riding Appaloosa
John Wayne rode a horse named Banner,  one of the big sorrel horses furnished by
Hollywood wrangler, Clarence "Fat" Jones, movie horse stables for the  actor's use in later Western movies.
John Wayne and the Appaloosa "Zip Cochise"
from the movie El Dorado.

Chuck Conners and horse
The Rifleman TV series
Razor is the horse ridden by actor
Chuck Conners as Lucas McCain
TV series
Have Gun will Travel
Rafter is the horse ridden by actor Richard Boone as Paladin

Richard Boone riding Rafter

"Candy", was the movie horse David Carradine rode on the TV series called Shane. Universal Studios owned Candy and was in  many other movies. Wyatt Earp TV series actor Hugh O'Brian rode Candy.

Sara Lane and Ute Sara Lane and Joe D
James Drury's appaloosa "Easter Ute" that Sara Lane used on The Virginan TV series. 
Drury was given the horse by
Carl Easterwood of Dimmitt, Texas.
Sara Lane riding Joe D. The appaloosa named Joe was the double for Joe D on the Virginian TV series. 
Sara Lane  photos  &  info provided by
Barb Townsend


Michael Ansara and tv horse pinto

TV series Broken Arrow
actor Michael Ansara as Cochise
with the pinto used on the show
Broken Arrow TV show horses

Spin & Marty show
(left to right) actors David Stollery as "Marty" & Tim Considine as "Spin"
Skyrocket takes a bow
(photo below)
The horse "Skyrocket" owned by the character "Marty" of the Walt Disney Mickey Mouse Club 1950's mini series called Spin and Marty. "Mr. Rick" was the real name of this palomino horse. Lennie Geer who was cast as "Ollie" in the mini series was Mr. Rick's owner and rented Mr. Rick to the studio. The white horse called Dynamite was the horse from the Zorro TV series named Phantom. Also a mule named Daisey was a regular.
Skyrocket, Spin & Marty show Daisey the Mule Spin & Marty show

(above photo) Daisey the Mule

Tonka and Sal Mineo
The Disney 1958 movie titled
Tonka and actor Sal Mineo

Horse Names are the Movie Titles
Misty movie ponies
The ponies from the
1961 movie Misty

The Lilley family of Santa Clarita, California
also have horses in show business.
The ranch is called "Mov'in on Ranch".
Father and son team, Jack and
Clay Lilley have done stunt work
in many of well know movies and TV shows.
You can see Jack driving the carriages, stage coaches and wagons on Little House on the Prairie.
The Lilley ranch horses were used on
Magnificent 7 TV series.
Some past film projects include:
The Patriot (2000)
Rough Riders (1997)
Pale Rider (1985)
Bronco Billy (1985)
Everything That Rises (1998)
TV movie
Buster the horse in Bronco Billy movie train scene
Bronco Billy movie - Buster the horse
leading the train
Clint in Pale Rider
actor Clint Eastwood and the
horse in The Pale Rider movie.

Laurel and Hardy with horse

Laurel and Hardy
with the horse from the comedy

Laurel and Hardy with horse on piano

Dudley backwards on Horse
Actor Brenden Frazier as "Dudley DoRight" and McFly as "Horse"
"McFly," is the real name of the horse that starred in the 1990's" version of the Dudley Do Right movie as the infamous horse named "Horse." The story came from the cartoon from the past  and the characters came to life with real actors and of course the horse for a slap stick comedy. McFly as Horse

In Gone with the Wind movie the white horse ridden by actor Thomas Mitchell became Silver, the Lone Ranger's steed. Correction: It was Silver Chief.
More than 1,100 horses including mules appeared in the production of Gone with the wind.

Cammie King on pony

above Cammie King on the pony in 
Gone with the Wind.
Mister Butler or Blackie
are reported names of this pony.
Please notify Horse Fame of corrections.

Clark Gable on rearing horse

above Clark Gable and could this horse be Steel?

Comments and info 
from:Claudia Provin 
Date: 18 February 2008
Gone with the Wind Pony
A friend of mine actually rode this pony as a small child, 
and knew the owner/trainer. The pony's real name is Coaly

Comments and Info
from Kathi Dunn
Date: 7 July 2001

The saddlebred used in Gone With the Wind for Ashley Wilkes to ride off to the Civil War on was a 3-gaited American Saddlebred show horse by the name of Anacacho Rebel. At one point in time, he was trained by Mr. Bob Lewis, who at 87 (in 2001) is still training horses in Menlo Park, CA. Bob is a Judge Emeritus of the American Horse Shows Association. The horses used in the Star Trek film that Captains "Kirk" and "Piccard" ride are William Shatner's own saddlebred horses. The one he rides is "I Prefer Montana" and is also the horse he rode as Grand Marshall of the Rose Parade. He is one of only 3 Grand Marshalls to ride a horse in the parade (the other two were Gene Autry and Ronald Reagan (the first time he was a GM)).

A horse named Traveler was in the movie "Braveheart"
from the MacDonald Ranch of Scottsdale Arizona.

Mel Gibson Braveheart Braveheart horses
Actor Mel Gibson, the cast with the horses in the movie "Braveheart"
Realistic looking mechanical horses were used for the most violent scenes.

The 1994 movie version of
Maverick had a horse named
"Ollie" and burro named "Arthur"
The TV super bowl 2001 commercial for E-TRADE dot com with "Brookes " the chimpanzee and the horse named Prairie. Rex Peterson's stunt horse High Tower of the famed Horse Whisperer and Runaway Bride movies was used. The horse was trained by Mike Boyle.

Kevin Coster and Justin Actor Kevin Costner riding "Cisco"
from the movie Dances with Wolves.
This buckskin's real name is Plain Justin Bar
an award winner horse known as "Justin"
is a quarter horse.

Hallmark Hall of Fame special TV movie story concerning going back to the Navajo Indian Reservation called "The Lost Child". The horses real names were Bucky and Cinco. The duo portrayed the wild buckskin horse.

Horses of "Rancho De Oro Verde" were in the Rin Tin Tin movie were provided by aviator/stunt woman the late Florence "Pancho" Barnes of Lancaster - Edwards area in the Mojave Desert of California.

Ralph "Mac" McNamer. McNamer has been a horse trainer, rodeo rider, Hollywood stunt rider and riding teacher who claims he doubled for Errol Flynn in "They Died With Their Boots On" and worked with real cowboys -
Tom Mix, Hoot Gibbs, Ty Hart, Alan Hale, Whitey Sovern, and Sammy Garret. He and his special horse dove off a cliff 3 or 4 different times 62 and a half feet into a lake for little money in the early movie making days.
Mac turned 100 years old in 1999.

Lucky as colt and actor Chase Moore
Lucky as a colt & Chase Moore
as "Richard"
Lucky as foal and mother

Horses of the 1999 movie
"Running Free"
Tommy Hall was head animal trainer
Sled Reynolds was key trainer
Young Lucky Nischa
for Lucky as a colt include:
Jibber Jabber
Chestnut Boer Perd
Welsh cross Arabian
part-bred Arabian
part-bred American Saddler
Adult Lucky as a 10-year-old stallion: Macho
part-bred American Saddler
Caesar (a black stallion)
Beauty (Caesar's offspring)
Grey Mare (Lucky's mom)

Fat Albert

Wind Runner - White horse was 2 different Arabian horses. Filmed in Kanab, Utah starred Margot Kidder. Sled Reynolds was head horse trainer.

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HORSE FAME , established 1997.

Copyright © Horse Fame 1997 - 125