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Native Am. Links and a few Favorites

Souix Heritage:
Lakota Souix:
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
Creation according to Lakota: Woman came first and Man was born from Woman

WASHITA~Genocide at SAND CREEKAmerican Shame


This page is dedicated to the struggle of Native Americans who wish to live free and practice their ancient customs and religion that was taken from them by invading Europeans.

I am not a Native American..but a white girl from NYC..however I think we should "keep the beads and give back Manhattan"..

Eventually I will build a personal web page so you can know a little more about me, however I wanted to get this one finished first..

Chief Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) Hunkpapa Sioux (1831-1890)

Lakota Medicine Man and Chief was considered the last Sioux to surrender to the U.S. Government.


Most of you know me as that "fun-loving gal" from the Chat House but what you should know is a little more about me: I am 42 years old...From NYC but living in Las Vegas NV-what better place for "DR. Holly Goodhead"...*WEG*... I have 2 children that I gave a very easy birth to:

David-19 aka RAWL and WAR in Chathouse SPUD-7 the light and joy of my life (so I'm an OLD shoot me) One child who opted to stay with me after a 13 year relationship broke up: Marie-17 and Future Olympian (Watch out Australia-AUGUST 2000-track and field) and numerous ones that their birth parents have decided to discard: HOLLY'S HOMIES!!!

I have a degree in Journalism from NYU-Class of of the 1st 10 women to graduate from the School of Journalism...

I have my own micro business selling Native American Art... and just so YOU all know: the same person in the Chat house is how I am in RT..the blond in me does not allow for me to switch personalities: DUH!!!

This is my family.

you can email me @

Friends and Fave Links: to be edited

JerMan: my chathouse buddy..and great links..
The Purity Test: email your score if is under 50 (WEG)
War of the House Dok: Rawl/War aka son Dave's home page
M & M Mars Candy home page: For my buddy Billy...1 day Bill 1 day!!!
Moonraker: pic of DR. HOLLY GOODHEAD et al
Xaviera Hollander: my lifelong INSPIRATION
LAS VEGAS LEISURE GUIDE: no you won't find holly's home number here *WEG*
the G-spot: finally a map on where and how to find IT...
Nudist Beaches-Italy: hopefully where you'll find holly in a few months..

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holly goodhead.

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