Bailey was born in February of 1996. She came to us in a much different way. I received a phone call from my cousin one day. She was wondering if we wanted a puppy. I was very hesitant at first and told her that I would need to discuss it further with my husband so I told her I would have to get back with her on it. I asked her why they wanted to get rid of her and their reason was that she was running a daycare in their home and insurance reasons were a big part in it. So I hung up the phone knowing there was no way hubby was going to allow me to get another animal. For those who do not know me...we have horses, cats, birds and of course the huskies..not to mention the tank full of fish if they count!*S*

The discussion started....Hubby said a big flat "NO!"....a week later, Bailey had come to live with us! The moment I went to pick her up...I knew we were going to have our work cut out for us! I don't think she had ever been on a leash ...if she had I'd be surprised. She completely crouched...but that was because of all the commotion I am sure. She was VERY submissive and when we got her here...she did not know what to think of the boys. We left her alone for a few days with the boys only getting to sniff her through the pen. Then she started getting brave and we introduced them to her one at a time. She now thinks she rules the roost and she definitely keeps the boys in line.

Bailey is not AKC they had the option of papered price and no-paper price...they chose the later. However....I would very much like to know WHO they bought her from after talking to my cousin at a later date again. I don't know what or how we got on the conversation about her bi-colored eyes...but whoever sold her to them told her that it was not unusual for huskies to have two different colored eyes (which it is not) ...BUT she also told them that the eyes would change to the same color as she got older!

Bailey turned 14 in February '10. I decided her page needed a little updating to reflect her life and how she is doing. Since the boys are both gone, she has become a velcro husky and never leaves our sides. We love her dearly and don't know what we would do without her. She has grown into a very lovely and beautiful husky and she gets even more beautiful with each passing year.

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