Queen C

This would be my queen. I am her royal concubine among many other things. Several of these being her minion,
second in command, and "partner". Not only do I get the minion dental plan, I also get the health plan as well.
What more could a gurl ask for? Not to mention that my queen is great to me. She usually likes it on top,
but sometimes she'll allow me to stay on top. She has also dubbed me the "assmaster" I am one of the select few with permission to grab her ass and grope her. She has many many sticks. Amazon sticks of good feeling... sticks of great pain.. the list goes on and on. Bondage always looks good on my queen. One day she is going to walk me down
the street on a leash...it will be a pleasurable experience for both. This all makes me sound like some kind of kinky
fiend...don't worry...I AM..according to my queen anywayz. I always aim to please my
queen...and I always do. Afterall...I do have many skills.

You can drop in on my queen any time here
