Everything    You    Never    Wanted    To    Know    About    Me!

Hey! My name is Sarah and I live in Alberta, Canada (for all you Americans out there, that's that big country above you with the moose). I'm in grade 10 and I like to ski, read and travel. My obsessions include The X-Files, Ally McBeal, Days of Our Lives, Watership Down, Shelties, Disney and pretty much anything I decide to be obsessed with at the time. Well, since I'm boring I'll put up some links to my obsessions and stuff. Yay! I got a scanner so now you can see a awful picture of me. It's me in front of Watership Down in England. Yes, I am aware my hair is a mess. It was windy that day! And yes, i am aware that the picture is REALLY big. If anyone knows how I can make it smaller using Presto! Pagemanager PLEASE email me and let me know.

My Obsessions

The Mike and Carrie Fan Page
A page for all you DOOL fans who love M&C!
The Gossamer Archives
All the X-Files fanfiction you could ever wish for
Walt Disney World Attractions Files
Lots of video and sound clips from WDW rides and shows. I go here to get my daily disney fix.
Arthur Tham's Ally McBeal Site
My fave Ally site!
The Sheltie Page
Who can resist cute puppy pics?
Figment's Imagination
A site for my fave Disney character
Brunching Shuttlecocks
Absolutely hilarious! Everything from movie ratings to articles on why Geocities' pop-up ads are evil.
Poke Fun@Aol
Aol Sucks!
Rainbow Bridge Tribute Pages
Read poems dedicated to the "bridge kids" (deceased and lost pets). I guarentee you won't be able to leave this page with dry eyes.
My psycho friend's site!

Uncle Hyman

Sarah Waugh

