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Aker (embodies Earth) Amemait (the Devourer) Amun (Thebes) Amun-Re Anat Anubis (god of the dead and embalming) Andjeti Anukis (Anqet) Apophis (serpent demon) Astarte Aten Atum (creator god of Heliopolis) Bes (deformed dwarf who averted evil) Buchis (sacred bull) Bull (special relantionship with heaven)
Hathor (sky goddess) Hat-imehit (minor fish goddess) Heh (god symbolizing a 'million years') Heket (goddess represented in the form of a frog or with a frog's head) Horus (imagined to be a sky god whose image was seen as that of a falcon with outstretched wings, whose eyes were regarded as the sun and the moon).
Ihy (Hathor's son) Isis (regarded as King's symbolic mother)
Khnum (worshipped in the form of a ram into the early period of the New Kingdom but then represented as a man with a ram's head). Khon (Theban god - Moon god)
Mafdet (goddess was a manifestation of judical authority and, above all, the device used for execution). Mertseger (goddess 'she who loves peace' of the area of the Valley of the Kings). Meshkhent (goddess of birth) Methyer (goddess, embodiment of the primeval waters). Min (god of fertility). Month, Montu (falcon headed deity - god of war). Mut (Wife of Amun and mother of Khon). |
Neith (local goddess of Sais, warlike divinity) Nekhbet (vulture goddess, represented Upper Egypt) Nephthys (protector goddess of coffins and canopic jars) Nut (was the daughter of the Air god Shu, she was the personification of the Vault of Heaven).
Onuris (Anhur) (god of Thinis in Upper Egypt) Osiris (god of the dead)
Ptah (local god of Memphis - creator god)
Renenutet (goddess of fertility and harvest) Reshef (Reshpa) (Syrian god of war and thunder, shown wearing white crown of Upper Egypt).
Scarab (sacred beetle - image of self creation). Sekhmet (goddess of war - husband Ptah - son Nefertem). Selkit Scorpion Goddess (one of the four protector goddesses of the coffin and canopic jars) Serapis (god of corn) Seshat (goddess of writing) Seshmu (god of perfume) Seth (later symbolic of evil) Shu (god of air) Sobek - Suchos (crocodile) (god of the water - the Nile issued from his sweat). Sokar (may of begun as earth and fertility god, Sokar became a mortuary god) Sopdu (worshipped in 20th Lower Egypt nome, god of the frontier and the east). Sothis (dog star Sirius deified as a goddess and shown as a woman with a star on her head).
Taweret, Taurt (hippopotamus goddess represented standing upright with human arms and legs). Tefnut (with her brother Shu, became the children of the sun god and regarded as the eyes of the 'Lord of All'). Tekenu (probably regarded as a manifestation of the deceased through which the transfigured person would be led to sacred places). Thoth (god who invented writing and was the protector of scribes).
Wepwawet (a warlike god of Lycopolis).