What is The Walk? | Getting Started | Message Board | Other Information
Our Mission: Get Teens Into God's Word

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What is The Walk?
What is The Walk? Is it just a website name... or something that could change my life. Find out right here.

Getting Started...
Where do I start, what do I need? Just click here to begin.

Message Board
Make this part of your bible study! Read different passages, then post your beliefs on it with others.

Other Information
Need more information? Then check out our links page here. Want to add your url to our links?  



Greetings! Welcome to The Walk. This is a information source for teenaged centered devotionals.  Whether you are beginning your walk with Christ, are needing help with a devotional, or are a leader of a teenage group at a church or otherwise, we hope to assist you here.

Please browse across the site, all links are to the left.  If at anytime you are looking for something that is not here, or anywhere on the internet for that matter, please email either Jon or Eric and they will respond to you.

Our goal is to get teens into God's word, and anything that could improve this website for this purpose will be considered.  Any feedback whatsoever is respected.

Once again welcome to The Walk, and may God Bless you.

Jon and Eric

updated February 28th, 2002

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©1999-2002 Eric Bradley and Jon Erdman.
An Eric Bradley/Jon Erdman Enterprise