WELCOME to Chris's web page featuring his beautiful iron animal sculptures! Since 1994, Chris has been creating from an assortment of vintage tools, found metal objects, old farm equipment, sheet metal, railroad scraps and other parts. His work ranges in size from 8 inches to 14 feet! He thrives on the challenge of transforming industrial raw materials and scavenged parts into an animal personality. Although Chris is a self-taught artist, metal fabrication has been a family business. He is the third generation of metal workers of a family owned business, Williams & Co., Rockport, MA. In order to create the variety of visual effects, he uses the following methods and tools: Oxy-Acetylene torch welding and cutting, heating and forming, an Arbor Press for bending and an anvil.
Examples of Chris's work are shown here. Just click on the thumbnail to see in enlarged and get information about it. Thank you!
Gallery Room A
Gallery Room B
Gallery Room C
Visitors are always welcome at the workshop during working hours for a demonstration or consultation about projects. Chris will produce works on commission for private collections and public spaces. A mailing list of buyers is available upon request. The address is 80 Grove St., Gloucester, MA 01930
Check out the Web Rings!
E-mail Chris at ironart@gis.net
This page and graphics were created by Rebecca Kemp.
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people have been here since 3/7/98