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American Unclaimed Funds
Free U.S. Databases

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Issues has received several references made to the free databases we have listed throughout our site, some of which appear on our other business page. It appears that some people have actually paid for this information utilizing e-services that specialize in public information for profit.
Many accessible public information databases exist, the access problem lies in knowing where to look. Finding these databases lies within changing your keyword search or the search engine you are presently utilizing. Another access avenue is utilizing the invisible web, a search technique that Issues will inform our readers about in upcoming editions.
Our FREE information pages will be updated regularly, with each page being archived for future reference.
Starting today, Issues wants our readers to STOP paying for what they can get free!
In this edition: "Unclaimed Funds:" Do you have money waiting to be claimed?


Agencies that charge for unclaimed fund search results
Charges for searches if your name is in their database
Sells Reports

Sells a program to locate missing funds

Charges fee to check for unclaimed life insurance

Search for fee

Services the government provides for free

Scholarship Service Rip-Offs













While researching the topic of Unclaimed Funds, Issues discovered that there were more resources than just State Venues in which to search. Many Federal Agencies have unclaimed funds, and they rarely make an effort to locate the owner of these funds. Some persons have Veteran's Benefits, Pension Benefits and even Insurance policies that have yet to be claimed.
This page deals with unclaimed funds in America, but Issues has not forgotten about our Canadian and other International Readers. Canadian and International Readers may also have Unclaimed Funds.
Americans, continued on........

And....When you find those millions




Federal and Other Sources
For Unclaimed Funds

National Credit Union
Unclaimed Funds

Lost Savings Bond Search

HUD Refunds

Missing IRS Refunds

Missing Pension Money

VA Insurance Benefits

NY Life Insurance Unclaimed Funds

Missing Heir Database

Banruptcy Unclaimed Funds

Lost Money

Judgement Funds




Employment & Business Section:

  1. Fired for Having a Heart Attack - The Employment At-Will Doctrine

  2. Is At-Will Out-The-Door in NY?

  3. Workplace Violence & Employment At-Will
  4. Non-Compete Agreements

  5. Wrongful Termination

  6. State-By-State Laws: At-Will Employment

  7. Hostile Work Environments

  8. Car Buying Guide

  9. State-By-State Resources: Department of Motor Vehicles

  10. Investigate That Business

  11. Background Investigation Databases

  12. International Unclaimed Funds Databases

  13. American Unclaimed Funds Databases


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Page Last Updated: 6/20/2002
C 2002 L Munro