General Witchcraft Links

Here are some good links for general information on Witchcraft. There are no personal or comercial pages here. These are included on our other link pages. These pages are basically clearing houses for information.

The Witches' Voice

This is a wonderful place to go whether you are new to the Craft, a coven elder, or just looking for some accurate information. There are many things to do here. You can read articles on all sorts of topics related to the Craft. There is a section where you can network with other witches in your area, or even locate a nearby shop. There is current news related to the Craft, legal issues, and media portrayal. This is a must see. I surf in a couple of times a week. By the way, it is updated on a daily basis. Please click on the logo below.

The Witches Voice

The Witches' League for Public Awareness

The WLPA was founded by Laurie Cabot, of Salem MA, in 1986. Their mission is to teach the public about what witches really are all about. There is a lot of good information here. They can be found at:

Witches League for Public Awareness

The Celtic Connection

This is another good general site. There is so much information here that you need to visit it a few times.

The Celtic Connection

Circle Sactuary

Circle Sanctuary is a real place and is located in Wisconsin. It has long been a clearing house of information on paganism via its publication, Circle Network News. There is plenty of good information here too. They can be found at:

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