
Edson Arantes Do Nascimento known as Pele, "The King" or "The Artist" is considered the best soccer player that has ever been on earth, also the best paid athlete who led the Brazil to 3 World Cup titles. He started playing this sport very young. At the age of fifteen he observed his father Dondinho play for hours, hoping that some day he would be like him. Pele started playing soccer at a very young age in his neighborhood with his friends. They played even barefooted with coconuts instead of balls, and played with cans that were serving the purpose of goal posts. As he grew in Brazil many clubs offered to sign him up for minor teams like his father started. Playing for the Brazilian team, Edson was given the name Pele' because he revealed his expertise in pick-up games in vacant lots (peladas). Soon before Pele' began playing at mayor teams as a soccer player, his father had to abandon the sport because of a knee accident thet unabled him to go on with his career. The great abilities of Dondinho were passed on down to his young son, Pele'. Pelé became more and more talented and with that, he became more and more famous, and well known all around the world.As he traveled around the world, to his many destinations he carried a gym bag literily every where he went which people thought that it was his soccer equipment, but they were very wrong, it was money, which he called cruzeiros. Pelé was one of the must talented soccer players in the world, he was known as "The King", admired by of us who know how he played.

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