

Yeah, they're links just like everyone else's. Try to enjoy.

Amon Hen -- Kyle's web page.

The Armory -- Even if I don't agree with their spelling of "armoury," it's still a cool page, and home of the applet that scores the purity tests.

Digital Blasphemy -- The coolest desktop backgrounds you'll ever see. This guy rocks.

Elfwood -- A gallery of amateur fantasy art. Some of my stuff is there, even though it sucks. There are some really good artists there, though, and I recommend taking a look!

The Spark -- Just some good dirty fun.

Queendom -- Personality and more tests.

The Two Towers MUD -- Though I do not and cannot bring myself to MUD there anymore, I loved it once and love it still. You can give it a try, just don't let the assholes get to you.

The Onion -- Humourous fake news.

Red Meat -- Actually has little to do with meat. Cartoons of a grotesquely humourous nature. Indiana University of Pennsylvania -- My college.

Okay, I'm too bloody lazy to come up with any more. Enjoy...