THE LIFE AND DEATH OF PATRICK NAGLE...CIVIL WAR SOLDIER When looking at the honor roll on the Civil War Memorial in Westfield, I noticed the name "Patrick Nagle of the 24th Connecticut Infantry."This Patrick is the brother-in-law of Michael Barry, who came to Westfield from Ireland in 1851. What was odd is that, according to his tombstone in St. Mary's Cemetery, he died a month before the 24th was put into service. His fate was unknown until I received his pension records. These records contain letters supporting Patrick's mother Ellen in her request for benefits from the government due to Patrick's death as an enlisted soldier. Ellen was finally awarded 8 dollars a month in 1868 after three years of legal maneuvering. The letters were written by Rufus Baker, the doctor who treated Patrick during his illness and eventual death; Patrick Gilmore of Chicago, who was the Captain of Patrick's company; William Calman who was his landlord for a few years; Thomas Harrigan, a family friend who knew the family in Ireland and Westfield, as well as William and Elizabeth Mulcahy, who also knew the Nagels in Ireland and Westfield. William states he knew Patrick's father Arthur, or "Atty" Nagle while living in Rathcormack, County Cork, Ireland. He also states that Arthur died around 1835 or 1836 and that he was attending school at Arthur Nagle's house at the time of Arthur's death, which was in the fall of the year. The records also show that Arthur and Ellen were married in February of 1821 by Rev. Patrick Shean. They had seven children; Patrick, Katy (Michael Barry's wife), Elizabeth (Michael Barry's brother John's wife), Thomas, Michael, James and John. Only the two girls were still alive in 1865. Michael died in 1855 in Westfield, leaving a wife. The fate of the others is unknown. Patrick came to America around 1852. He worked on local farms until he earned enough money to send for his mother. About 1857, he traveled to Springfield to send the money for Ellen's passage. She arrived a few months later. Upon arrival, Patrick was her sole supporter. They lived for about three years in a tenement owned by Calman that cost 24 dollars a year. He then built a small house for about 200 dollars, on land bought from James Moseley, where he lived for a time with his mother and sister. Often though, he worked by the day, or sometimes the month, for local farmers and stayed at the employer's residence, though still supported his mother by providing "provisions and wood." Ellen's only source of income for was working part-time braiding whips at home. Prior to enlisting, Patrick paid several months rent for his mother in advance. Patrick enlisted on September 19th, 1862 and was assigned to Company K of the 24th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers of the Union Army. He recorded his residence as New Haven, Connecticut. MAYFLOWER TO BARRY FAMILY CONNECTION In researching the King-Tuttle-Gowdy line, I discovered that the Barry Family has links to William Bradford who came to America on the Mayflower and served as Governor of the Plymouth Colony. Here is the ancestor chart.1. William Bradford married Alice Carpenter in 1623. William's first wife Dorothy fell off the Mayflower and drowned on December 7, 1620, when it was anchored in Provincetown Harbor. William Bradford died in 1657, having been governor of the Plymouth Colony for almost the entire period since 1621. 2. William's and Alice's son William Bradford Jr. married Alice Richards in 1650. 3. Their daughter Alice married Rev. William Adams in 1680. 4. Their daughter Alice Adams married Rev. Nathan Collins Jr. in 1700. 5. Their son William Deacon Collins married Anne Jones in about 1740. 6. Their only child Abi Collins married Alexander Gowdy in 1760 in Somers, Connecticut. Alexander served four terms of duty in the French and Indan War. He died after return from the Havana Expedition, possibly yellow fever, near the end of the war. He was a sergeant. He died at the age of 21, two years after he was married. 7. Their son Alexander Jr. married Hannah MacGregor about 1780. He served in the Revolutionary War and is buried in Pond Cemetery in Russell, Massachusetts. 8. Their daughter Hannah Gowdy married Abel Tuttle in 1808. Abel was killed by a falling tree. His father served in the Revolutionary War and was partially disabled because of it. 9. Their daughter Hannah Tuttle married Joseph King of Westfield in 1834. 10. Their oldest son, Henry A. King, married Ellen J. Phillips in Westfield in 1860. 11. Their daughter Grace R. King married Arthur J. Barry in Westfield in 1889. 12. Their son Edward F. Barry married Giovanna "Jean" Catherine Baruffa in 1933. 13. The had two sons, Edward Jr. and John E. Barry, who are 10th great grandsons of William Bradford of the Mayflower.
MORE KING FAMILY INFO Henry A. died at the age of 50 in 1886 of typhoid fever. His father was Joseph King of Westfield and Hannah T. (Tuttle) of nearby Russell, Massachusetts. Henry had two other brothers; Roderick F, who was five years younger, and Edgar G., who was eleven years younger. Joseph was worth 1,500 dollars in 1850. Joseph was born in 1811 and died in 1889. Hannah was born in 1816 and had two brothers and eight sisters. She died in 1894. He parents were Abel Tuttle and Hannah Gowdy, both of who were born in Connecticut prior to moving to Russell prior to 1790. Hannah Gowdy Tuttle died in Westfield in 1850 of consumption. Hannah Tuttle is a direct descendent of the William Tuttle family of Boston and Connecticut who came to America in 1635. KING FAMILY UPDATE According to the 1880 census, Arthur Barry's wife Grace's parents, Henry and Ellen (Phillips), were born somewhere in Massachusetts. Since all their children; Joseph H., Nellie H. Frank H., Ada S., Henry A. and Grace R. were born in Canada, it appears they moved to Canada before returning to the United States. They arrived in Westfield around 1873. Henry died in 1888-1889. He was a whipmaker, as was his eldest son, Joseph. TWO BROTHERS OF MICHAEL BARRY DISCOVERED ONE A CIVIL WAR VETERAN I always wondered if Michael, the first Barry to come to the US that is directly related to this vein the the Barry family, ever had any other brothers besides John. I had evidence that there was a brother William, but was unsure. Irish records reveal this to be true. There was a brother William plus a brother David. William, it appears, was also a Civil War veteran. Look for updates on this information. Below are the baptism records and the marriage record of Michael Jr. parents, Michael and Ellen. According to records supplied by Father Keogh, present day priest of the Parish church in Lisgoold, county Cork, Ireland, Michael and Ellen (Barry) Barry had four sons. Since this is the only Barry married couple with two last surnames of Barry out of over 200 and all were recorded together (which was the way most of the families were recorded) it is almost certain that they are all brothers. The baptismal dates were usually close to the date of birth, if not the same. The chapel where these were recorded is in town of Lisgoold, which consists today of two pubs, one with a convenience store attached, is on a hill behind the pubs about ½ mile away. This Roman Catholic church covered the parishes of Ballcuraney, Templeboden and Temmplenecarrighy. The names that appear are exactly as recorded by the priest at the time, usually in Greek Latin or Gaelic. The translations are in parenthesis. MARRIAGE RECORD: Date Name Address February 19, 1833 Michaelum (Michael) Barry not recorded Helenam (Ellen) Barry Lisgoold Witnesses: Patritius Ryan Patritius Barry Priest: Gulielmus (William) McCarthy BAPTISIMS: David Barry : Baptized October 1, 1933 Residence of Parents: Not recorded Sponsors: Joannis Barry, Helena Keefe Priest: J. Walsh -No record of him after this date. Joannes (John) Barry: Baptized January 2, 1935 Residence of Parents: Not Recorded Sponsors: Michael Daly, Elizabeth Ryan Priest: Not Recorded -First Barry to emigrate to the United States in 1849 and settled in Westfield, Massachusetts. Michael Barry: Baptized October 17, 1836 Residence of Parents: Knockakeen Sponsors: Patricius Desmond, Catherine Barry Priest: Not Recorded -My great-great grandfather. came to Westfield in 1851. Gulielmus (William) Barry: Baptized February 1, 1839 Residence of Parents: Brueckakeem (town not in records) Sponsors: Gulielmus Barry, Johanna Sweeney -Also settled in Westfield between 1851-1870. In 1870, he was a laborer on a farm with 200 dollars of personal property, but no land. His wife was Mary, and both could neither read nor write. Both were from Ireland. They had four children; twins Michael and Ellen, age 3, Maurice, age 5, and Richard four months. -William would die in November of 1871 of consumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis). -His parents are recorded as Michael and Ellen Barry. -His son Richard died from unknown causes, most likely Scarlet Fever, in June of 1872 at age 2 years, 4 months. -William's gravestone in St. Mary's Cemetery, Westfield, reads William Barry Born In Co. Cork, Ireland Died Nov 18 1871 Age 28 Requiescat in Pace Erected by His Affectionate Wife Mary -------------------------------------------------------------------- -The age is a couple of years off, but this was common at this time since birth dates were not really important and a person's age was usually guessed at. -William may also have been a veteran of the Civil War. This was revealed by a GAR flag holder on his grave. The GAR stands for Grand Army Of The Republic and as a Civil War veteran's group.So far, records of his service have not turned up, but he may have been a part of the 31st Mass Infantry which was formed in Westfield. Special thanks to Kevin Kavanaugh of Parrish, Florida who supplied me with these records.
ARTHUR JAMES BARRY JR...WWI VETERAN Edward Barry's older brother Arthur Jr. were a veteran in World War One. He registered for the draft in Westfield on June of 1917 at the age of 23. Near the end of the war, he was wounded in the Argonne Forest drive. According to newspaper accounts, "it was while he was leading a batch of men into battle in the Argonne Forest sector that a shell exploded behind him, throwing him into a shellhole and causing one of his knees to be severely wrenched." This injury sent him to the hospital for some time before returning to Westfield. He was also in a majority of the large battle near the end of the war.
MARRAIGE SITE OF EDWARD BARRY AND JEAN CATHERINE BARUFA DISCOVERED According to recently unearthed material, Ed and Jean were married on February 18, 1933 in Lebanon Springs, New York. Mary (Marie) Barufa and Kenneth Pollard were the witnesses. (See Story on Ken Pollard below).
Baruffas Arrive In America Long a mystery, the actual date that Ernesto Baruffa re-entered the United States has been found. Ernesto first came to America in 1881. Between January on 1907 and March of 1908 he returned to Italy, most likely to arrange a marriage. He passed through Ellis Island on March 22, 1908 at the age of 43 on the ship La Touraine. In November of that year his future wife Elisabetta Groffani, age 25, arrived in America from Genoa, Italy on the ship Konig Albert Ernesto?s two nephews and niece, children of his brother Angelo, came to America on November 25, 1911 on the ship LaSavoie. Giovanna was 14 years of age, Silvio was 16 and Agostino was 10. This was two years after their father?s death. BARUFFA RELATIVES IN AMERICA Recent research has uncovered relatives of the Westfield Baruffa's in the United States. Ernesto's brother Angelo had a son Silvio who it seems moved to Connecticut sometime prior to 1936. According to Social Security records, Silvio was born in the Province of Brescia on April 4, 1895 and died in Waterford, Connecticut in 1985. He last worked for General Dynamics and lived in Groton with his wife, Mary (Rossetti), also of Italy. FATE OF MARIE'S OLD BOYFRIEND FOUND For years I heard the Aunt Marie never married because her first serious boyfriend was killed in an accident that she was either a witness too or came upon after the fact. This part of the story is unknown, but what was found is that Ken Pollard, her supposed boyfriend, was killed in December 15, 1935. According to a newspaper account the the Westfield Valley Herald, Pollard and two of his friends were killed in what was described as the "most gruesome motor accident in the city's history." According to the sole survivor of the accident, the four men were coming home from Agawam after driving around the race track early Sunday morning. Pollard, it seems, began fooling with the driver. This caused the car to crash into trees, throwing the men onto the road. All were seriously injured and lying in the roadway. Pollard was in severe pain and asked his three rescuers not to move him from his position on the road. Before they could be removed, another car came upon the scene. The driver, blinded by the lights of a car that stopped to assist the victims, slammed into the wrecked car, then "passing over the bodies of Keefe (the driver) and Pollard as they lay in the roadway." Both were killed.
POWERS SURNAME December 3, 1999New Powers Info I have finally connected with ancestors of the original Powers, in this case through one of the children of Michael and Margaret (Higgins) Powers, who were the first family Powers in America. Through the granddaughter of Bridget Anastasia Powers, daughter of Michael and Margaret and sister of my great grandfather Edward Powers, I found a lot of new information as well as dozens of photos. Edward has seven brothers and sister. They were Michael Jr. Mary Jane Julia "dodo" Bridget Anantasia Magaret Patrick Joseph Thomas Joseph Bridget was born in Connecticut on January 31, 1874 (My birthday...well, not the year!). She traveled to Baker City, Oregon to marry Richard Paul Keefe. They had been introduced to each other through Bridget's brother Patrick Powers and were married at St Francis Desales Cathedral , 2235 1st St in Baker City. Patrick arrived in Oregon in 1913 on mining business and later went into cement work with Richard Keefe. They formed the Star Construction Company. He died in 1946 and is buried in the Dunham Wright Private Cemetery in nearby Medical Springs. He married Grace Wright around September 16, 1919 in Medical Springs. Grace was the only daughter of Dunham Wright, one of the early pioneers in the Baker City/Medical Springs area, and Patrick was her third husband. Thomas remained in Worcester and was a firefighter. Julia married a man named Sheehan. Magaret married a William LaFountaine, known in the family as the "Cheap Frenchman. " Mary seems to have married a Dennis Donovan and had a daughter Mary who lived with Magaret Powers and the Lafountaine's as she was growing up. Michael Jr. married Mary J. O'Malley of Clinton, Massachusetts on November 16, 1899. He was 36 and a toolmaker, she was 27 and a housewife. She was the daughter of Austin and Abbie (Heffern) and was married by James A. O'Malley. The whereabouts of Michael Sr. are still unknown after 1900. I also learned that Michael Powers was born in Ireland on January 14, 1831 and his wife Margaret in January of 1840, also in Ireland. They were married at St Peter's Rectory on 16 Barclay Street on New York City on May 5, 1861. Their first two children, Michael Jr. and Mary, were born at Warehouse Point, Connecticut. New Photos NEW Powers Family Photos...Page 3
TRACY SURNAME NEW THOMAS TRACY INFO New information has been discovered on Thomas Tracy.Thomas was born in County Galway, Ireland. He came to America August 25, 1848 through the port of Boston. He moved to Milford about 1850 and was a farmer. At the time of his death in 1905 he was a large property owner and "familiar figure on the Milford Streets." Thomas became a United States citizen on October 22, 1858. He died in Milford hospital after being ill for two weeks. Prior to this, he was in good health and "was able to be on the streets daily." February 16, 1999 MARTIN AND THOMAS TRACY In the 1920 census, Martin Tracy stated that he was born in Ireland, came to the US in 1850 and became a citizen in 1855. No record of this proves this to be true. Records show that he was actually born in Milford, Massachusetts to Thomas and Magaret (Hardiman) on November 6, 1849. His siblings, besides John B., the future lawyer and Mayor of Taunton who was born in 1868, where; Patrick b. 1851, Thomas b. 1853, Bridget b. 1854, Winifred b. April 1860, and Magaret b. 1862. All were born in Milford. Magaret would marry a man named Pierce and life in Fall Rivers. Thomas Tracy came to the US in 1844 and became a citizen about 1856 He was born in Ireland in August about the year 1826. His father was Thomas but his mother's name is unknown. Unlike his sons, who would become professionals, Thomas earned his living as a "woodsawyer" and owned 800 dollars worth of land in 1880. By 1900 he was living alone in Milford and died from senility and pleurisy on November 30, 1905. Magaret (Hardiman) Tracy was also born about 1826 in Ireland. She would die June 11, 1875 at the age of 47 from rheumatic fever. They are buried together in St. Mary's Cemetery in Milford.MANNIX SURNAME January 30, 1999 1. New Powers Family Photo page...see it at 2.I have connected with a second cousin, once removed. Henry Enman of Holden, Massachusetts saw my web posting looking for any info on the surname Mannix in Worcester. It seems his grandmother was my great grandmother Katherine (Mannix) Garvey-Kelley sister. Her name was Ellen or Nellie and her photo can be seen on the new Powers photo page. January 17, 1999 In searching for more Mannix surnames in Ireland, I was told through an email that there are still about 20 Mannix listed in County Kerry, where the Mannix side of the Powers family originated. In the parish of Currow there is a John Mannix. Patrick Mannix and Julia O'Sullivan were married in Currow, County Kerry, in 1865.KELLY/KELLEY SURNAME April 10, 1999 MORE KELLY FAMILY INFO Recent research has discovered that John Kelly, father of Martin Tracy's wife Catherine, died in Keene on September 19, 1879. His wife Sarah last appears in the Keene city directory in the 1889-90 issue. Since there is no death record for her around this time, it appears she may have moved to live with a child. Martin Tracy and Catherine Kelly were indeed married in Keene. Martin had, for some reason, moved from Milford, Massachusetts to Keene and is listed in the 1877-78 directory as living on River Street. This is the same street that the Kelly family lived. Martin's occupation is listed as a "boot maker." The couple was married May 4, 1873 at St. Bernard's Church in Keene. Catherine's sister Anna married John Shannon at this same church on July 28, 1872. By 1889 Anna was a widow and living at 24 River Street with her mother and brother John E., a machinist. The 1880 Census shows Anna and her mother Sarah living on Ashuelot Street. Sarah was sixty years of age and was born in Ireland. Anna was twenty-nine and already a widow. Anna was also born in Ireland. Another possible son was James C., who died July 12, 1865 at the age of five. All this information shows the Kelly name withoutht the second E. January 17, 1999 Kelley's In New Hampshire I had someone on the internet check the Directory of Cheshire County New Hampshire 1884-1885 in the town of Keene for any Kelly's. It showed Sarah Kelley, widow of John, was living on River Street. John must have died between 1870 and 1884. These Kelley's are Martin Tracy's in-laws. He would marry Catherine Kelley, John and Sarah's daughter. Their oldest daughter was named Sarah, who would marry Edward Powers.
The Barry Family of Westfield:
The Powers Family Of Westfield:
The Barufa Family:
Photos of Baruffa-Groffani Family relatives in Italy Old photos, many unidentified, of family members in Italy
Story of the Barry Family
Story of the Powers Family
Barry Family Archives
Powers Family Archives
More Powers Family Photos
NEW Powers Family Photos...Page 3
Barry and Powers Family Obituaries
1 Summer Street.
Adams, Massachusetts 01220
United States