Visited times.

Friends' Sites!

Patti's Palace
For Carri's Sqwister Patti!
Matthew Ryan
In Memory of my Nephew
Villa Nic-Cool
A page for Carri's Friend Nicole!
mum2mum Chat Leader
A dear net friend we met!
Joey's Place
A Great Friend!!
Duane's Place
A Friend!
Our Favorite Net Friend!
Webb's Wonderfully Warped World!
Derek's Page
Drifting Paradigms
Stacy's Site
A site Carri helps her friend/epal with.
E-Pal Chatters!
A page, by Carri, dedicated to Epals.
Kyle's Spot
By Carri, it speaks for itself.
Michael's Place
He changed Carri's life... forever.

Welcome To

Family Home Page!

Jon, Carri, and Kailer! Summer of '97
Taken on the beach, in San Diego,
by (C)Seth Meyer Photography.

Jon is now starting work for Time Warner Telecom,
in San Diego, and plans to continue working towards 
an Electrical Engineering Degree.
Please Visit
Jon's Venue
Carri is an At-Home-Mom, but used to work with 
Severely Emotionally Disturbed children.
Please Enter
Carri's Space
Kailer is a rambunctious 4 year old. When he grows 
up, he'll be whatever he wants to be.
Please Explore 
Kailer's Korner
Nathan has joined our family!! Born February 22, 2001.
Visti his page that I will update soon (I hope!)
Nathan's Nook!
Our hobbies include: playing with our sons,
spending numerous hours on the net playing EverQuest, making trips
to the park, motorcycle riding, and much more! 
We feel that spending time as family comes 
before anything else.
Take a peek at our Wedding Page to see how we began!
Jon and Carri, Married December 16, 1995 Jon & Carri Let us know what you think!

Sign My Guestbook GuestWorld View My Guestbook

The Cure song: "Just like Heaven"
Moyra's Web Jewels
Thank you Moyra, for your beautiful web graphics!
Mom's Magazine

This The Housework Sucks, Gimme the Net Web Ring housework hating site owned by Carri.

Wouldn't you love to avoid your housework by
joining this great web ring?
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