We got Buster from the Monterey Animal Shelter in July of 2001. Actually, I got him. Carrie and the kids were still vacationing in Seattle and I was staying in a hotel in Marina until our military housing came available.

I decided I wanted a dog and after a few visits to "window shop" at the pound, I found Buster. Carrie was none too happy about it but she has since warmed up to him.

For an in depth, blow by blow account of how we came upon the little knucklehead, go here.

So here are a few pics of the lovable little guy.

Very cute pic of Buster sitting in a chair
Buster and I in "Daddy's chair"
Steph, Buster, me, and Alex
Buster and Stephanie
Maybe the cutest picture ever of the "Pain in the Buttster."
I claim that he is actually smiling in this pic
Her's another great pic of Butter Boy sitting IMpatiently

Some of the goofy names we have come up for him:

Buttster Galore
Butras Butras Golly
Butter Boy
Butter Head
Butter Balls
Balls Made of Butter (yeah, my invention)
Pain in the Butster (Carrie's favorite)
Lazarius (when caught on the bed)
Reez (Alex's contribution)
Joey (another addition from Alex)
Bodes Scodes (Carrie's insanity)
    which mutated in to just plain...

Buster's Buddies

Even dogs have friends so here are a couple of pictures of Buster's buddies:

This is Sam, my brother's dog. Notice the extrememly stupid look on his face. No, wait, that's like all dogs. Never mind.

Another shot of my brother and Sam in the snow. (My bro is the one with sunglasses (I think)).