Dear Sir,

I was looking on the web for pages about Desert Storm, and I happened to spend some time on yours.  I read every story, and exhausted every link you had on your page.  My hat is off to you and your effort.

I did not attend Marine boot, but I can relate to your stories, which I found hilarious.  I attended AFROTC field training at Lackland last summer.  After reading your stories, you even had me wanting to be a Marine.

Lastly, I thought you might find this interesting. My father was a LtCmdr in the Navy 1967-69 in Vietnam.  He was a doctor, assigned to a Marine division.  He said that if there was any group he would take into battle it was the Marines.  He commented that he knew the Marines would always get you home.  Happy belated birthday Marines.

In the words of Admiral Stark, I am off to join the rest of the poodles.

Cadet 1Lt Rob Vidoloff
Air Force ROTC
North Dakota State University