This is Rascal, my pet rock.  He was adopted from Sheri's Adopt a Rock. Rascal doesn't do much but he is lots of fun to take with me.  I keep him in my shirt pocket so I never get lonely.
This is Tibs, my Trebble.  He always makes me smile.  Tibs and Rascal get into trouble sometimes - they go "rolling away" and I have to chase them down.  If you would like a Trebble like mine, click on Tibs - he'll lead you to Lady Hipoo's homepage.
Meet Garret - he doesn't say very much, but he's still pretty cool..
My little Net Nerd, Nellie keeps a silent watch over all the surfers that stop by her page.  Nellie was adopted from Meg's Place.  You can click on Nellie to get information on adopting your own Net Nerd Guardian Angel.

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