Toronto, Ontario
April 27, 2000

In short, each band got about 30 minutes to play, and between sets much schmoozing went on by everyone alike, being quite the Indie Social Event that it was...

The Stiffs
We've seen the Stiffs once before and it was noted that they were especially tight that night. And punk. (incase you were wondering) As I'm sitting here, writing this, I don't think I have a definite opinion about the Stiffs. Their music is okay. I didn't feel like getting up and walking out but I don't think I'd go to a concert just to hear them play.

Palomar Sky Survey
It is a well documented fact that jendavina likes Palomar Sky Survey. While they were setting up, Jen and I were seen to be getting a front and centre spot in front of the stage. Jen was given their eggshaker to be a guest performer on stage during the 2nd? 3rd? song...anyway, the cue was missed (or some other disasterous event) and she ended up not making it up on stage. But she did pass it around so a few others were able to play along to the catchy Palomar tunes. This event was well documented, as seen in the photo essay.
Joel asked about the rumour he'd heard earlier on did the Meligrove Band really pee their pants at Niagara Falls? It was assumed that yes, they did indeed and this became the theme for the rest of the evening. Joel also was determined that no pictures were taken of him face-on. Side or back shots were permitted. That's what happens when you get a much-loved bottle of ketchup before performing, ladies and gentlemen. Let this be a lesson to you all.

Mayor McCa
If you haven't seen him before, Mayor McCa is a one man band. He played guitar, drum (which was attached to his foot), tambourine (which was attached to his other foot), and harmonica. He rapped, tapped, sang...he did it all!
Our very favourite part was when he freed his feet from musical instruments and strapped on the tap shoes. He then played guitar, sang, and tapped all at the same time.
Everyone sat around him on the floor while he performed. He wasn't on stage. We like Mayor McCa.

The Meligrove Band
Thinking back on this night as a whole, one word comes to mind that describes the show best, and that word is *consistent.* Having seen the Meligrove Band play a handful of times before, it didn't come as a surprise that their set was consistent as it has been in the past. They hardly ever make a mistake that jumps out at the audience and would delight fans for it would give them something to good-naturedly tease the Meligroves about later. (It should be known that the Meligroves are notorious for their amiability, where in most cases their fans are synonomous with their friends.) They delivered their playlist of songs off their album 'Stars and Guitars,' being their cd release and all, in addition to the consistent Elvis Costello cover, 'Pump it Up.' The unplanned encore emphatically (because Mike removes his shirt?) requested by the audience included 'The Rocker' by Thin Lizzy. (I personally hoped they'd cover 'I Need You' by the Kinks, but I was at the back at this time and not feeling good enough to yell out my request.)
As promised, cake, lots of crazy carrot cake, was served during their set much to the delight of Mike Long from Eww, You're a Girl and Girls Suck, who enjoyed smearing it all over his face. My claim to fame this night was I lent my only butterknife to be used to cut the cake. I never did see that knife again...
The last thing I can claim that was consistent this evening was the fact that with every show, the Meligove Band did something unpredictable and surprising. Although tonight's surprise was not a simultaneous 3-member kick like at the Bruny show, or a cover of 'Sally Ann's Style Denial' dedicated to an audience member, it nonetheless caught me off guard. And that was...they all wore normal, everyday clothes! This phenomenon is quite a rare occurance. Someone is always wearing something crazy for a show, (can you say "shiny red pants?") so I was expecting suits or wigs or even pyjamas. No sir. If you weren't there, you probably missed your only chance to see something crazy like this happen...tsk tsk.

Stars and Guitars available for $12. (Cheques payable to Zach Feldberg)
Ductape Records
P.O. Box 741, 1057 Steeles Ave. W.
North York, ON.
M2R 3X1

Also, the cd is soon to be distributed through Sonic Unyon.