TRK-05 Zaphods 2
Ottawa, Ontario
June 28, 2000

We arrived just as Trk-05 were finishing. Consisting of four boys looking not much older then me in black and white face paint, their music reminded me of Green Day. If you're into punk, these boys are for you. I didn't pay much attention; I was distracted by the face paint and Trk-05 flag behind them.

TRICKY WOO "How you ladies doing?" asked the lead singer in Tricky Woo, glancing towards us. Jen S, Erin, and I were sitting on the edge of the aforementioned cage, (see: Limblifter/Flashing Lights review) and we were doing alright, that's for sure. Tricky Woo Rock. It's that simple. But you already knew that.

Playing a set consisting of half new songs (new album said to be out Winter 2001), half from "Sometimes I Cry", Tricky Woo were just like I remembered them: pure rock and roll. There was never a dull moment on or off stage. We were positioned along the front/right of the stage, and had a great view of both the band and the crowd.

The crowd was an interesting bunch, quite drunk, and happy that Tricky Woo was back in Ottawa. There were about four guys in the front that seemed convinced they all were secret members of Tricky Woo. They energetically played their air guitars beside us through every song. One guy was too good for air guitar, he played guitar with his leg. These guys were complete with rock kicks, painful-this-guitar-riff-is-so-hard-it-hurts-faces, and rock star attitude. Lucky for them, Tricky Woo did not one, but two encores, ending with the requested "Sad Eyed Woman".

Can't wait till Winter 2001.