[ take a look ] - [ main ]


[ Ashley Park ]
[ The Carnations ]
[ Catastrophe Team ]
[ Clover Honey ]
[ The Constantines ]
[ The Deadly Snakes ]
[ The Dears ]
[ The Flashing Lights ]
[ Fletcher Pratt ]
[ Four Square ]
[ Guided By Voices ]
[ The Inbreds ]
[ International Falls ]
[ Joel Plaskett ]
[ Kitchens & Bathrooms ]
[ Kid Sniper ]
[ The Local Rabbits ]
[ Low Tones ]
[ The Meligrove Band ]
[ Mike O'Neill ]
[ Moneen ]
[ The Moon Patrol ]
[ Music For Mapmakers]
[ New Town Animals ]
[ Palomar Sky Survey ]
[ The Peppersands ]
[ Plumtree ]
[ Pop Shove Its ]
[ Projektor ]
[ The Redstripes ]
[ Rhume ]
[ Rocket Science ]
[ Royal City ]
[ Sadie Hawkins ]
[ The Salteens ]
[ Satsuma ]
[ Sixty Stories ]
[ Soul Phoenix ]
[ The Spoozys ]
[ Sloan ]
[ Stars ]
[ The Super Friendz ]
[ Thanatopop ]
[ Thrush Hermit ]
[ Tricky Woo ]
[ Tuuli ]
[ The Undercurrents ]
[ The Weekend ]

[ *Fantastic! festival 2001 photos ]
[ CMW 2001 ]
[ Low Tones/Redstripes Mini-Tour ]
[ *Fantastic! festival photos ]

**NOTE** A recent version of JavaScript is required to view these photos. They also don't work in some versions Netscape. Sorry!