the zine - bringing you the tastiest of indie rock since 1999

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[ ISSUE FIVE ] ($2 ppd)
the fifth issue once again features the *fantastic! festival, which means 36 bands! do you really want me to list them all??? A Northern Chorus, Bag, blueScreen, The Candidates, Dan Bryk, Dean Drouillard, Detective Kalita, Emma Niblett, FLUXad, Full White Drag, Gentleman Reg, The Heat, Hollowphonic, Hot Paws, Jacob Two Two, Kid Sniper, Low Tones, Mia Sheard, Mellonova, Mt St Helens, The Movies, Music for Mapmakers, Palomar Sky Survey, Pop Shove-Its, Quadruped, Raising the Fawn, the Redstripes, the Scarecrows, Square Root of Margaret, The 68's, Trale, Two Minute Miracles, the Tyres, Volta Do Mar and White Star Line! 44 pages of pure Rock!

[ ISSUE FOUR ] (send a self addressed stamped envelope to jen ciliska, 23 ashley crescent, leamington, ontario, N8H 5J1)
the fourth issue was delayed, but again, worthwhile. it's shaped up to be our favourite issue to date, with mike o'neill (formerly of the inbreds), charles austin (currently of neuseiland and formerly of the superfriendz), quadruped, run chico run, joel plaskett (formerly of thrush hermit and also in neuseiland), and the lassue yous.

[ ISSUE THREE ] ($3 ppd)
the third issue of complete chaos didn't hit the presses until mid-october of 2000. with 36 bands and 50 fricking pages, the 8 month wait was well worth it! in collaberation with the *fantastic! festival, the zine focused on the bands attending the festival and served as a thorough guide to who's who. ashley park, the carnations, the dears, lonnie james, the low tones, rhume, salteens, and the weekend are just a few of the bands that were interviewed.

[ ISSUE TWO ] ($1 ppd)
a much delayed issue #2 came out in december of 1999. it focused more on indie rock and less on silliness: blurtonia, the johnny five, the undercurrents, superchunk, solarbaby, tricky woo, and thrush hermit made an appearance in some form, whether it was reviews, photos, or articles. lengthly interviews with clover honey and megan mcdonald of space mistake music also were found in CC#2. the appearance of the zine was different as well - a full 8 1/2 x 11 size.

[ ISSUE ONE ] (sold out)
in the summer of 1999, complete chaos was born. essentially a "half zine", it featured a little bit of everything: reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry, and the usual nonsense. we were really excited to interview a relatively "new" band on the scene, the flashing lights, since it featured karate man matt murphy, and print our first interview that was conducted back in 1997 with plumtree. jay arner of team strike force was also interviewed and helped introduce us to the vancouver music scene. [ read review ]

[ email us ] with any questions or further info regarding complete chaos.