1. Jim climbs 4 ladder rungs then falls. [ 3 ]

2. Greg plays a 12 string Rickenbacker [ 1 ]

3. A bird lands on Jim's arm [ 1 ]

4. The sign says Casino [ 1 ]

5. False. It's night time when Jim leaves the bar. [ 2 ]

6. The car in the beginning is a LeSabre Custom [ 3 ]

7. The phone in the motel room is black. [ 3 ]

8. True. The car is a convertible, the top's just up. [ 2 ]

9. A single rose is in the cup. [ 2 ]

10. There are 7 candles [ 5 ] (if you got close, you guessed 5 or more, to the answer give yourself a 3)

11. Yes a pair of rose coloured glasses appear in the video. [ 1 ]

12. She reaches for a pair of blue jeans first [ 2 ]

13. True. The bathroom door IS open. [ 2 ]

14. True. There IS a tambourine on the window ledge. [ 3 ]

15. The concert footage was filmed during Christmas. There is a Christmas tree in the background. [ 4 ]

Add up your score and see below:
31 - 35: AMAZING! Especially considering how long this quiz was. Well, you certainly know your blue boys don't you? You could've probably even helped me out writing this thing. Hmmmmmm . . . maybe next time you should sit a little farther away from the television set.

20 - 30: Still great!! Hey, if it were me taking this thing I wouldn't have gotten this high. Luckily I have a pause button on my VCR remote. You've obviously seen Blue Movies or watched the videos you taped dozens maybe even hundreds of times.

10 - 19: Tape goes in, play is pushed, time to sit back. That's pretty much it isn't it? You love to watch the boys in action, but not close enough that little piece of lint on Greg's shirt in Outskirts. You're observant enough to see the details that make our boys what they are - but that's pretty much it.

9 and lower: "Oh who cares, this thing was too damn hard. . ."