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September 2010 Newsletter

Hello Cultural Enthusiasts:
Greetings and wish you are having a great July!

Belated 63rd Birthday, India. August 15 is the Independence day for India.
Read a touching poem by Padmini Natarajan about India in honor of the holiday this year.

This month, we featured one guest post by app2us- "10 things to avoid during a US student visa interview". This is a useful article for those looking for tips on applying for an American Student Visa.
Read that article here. Of course it's very common to study abroad in America, but for the few of us who decide to study abroad in India- you may want to prepare yourself for how to take tests. I wrote a post on test taking tips for Indian college classes. These tips were taken from my experience in 2000, I wonder if these tips are still relevant today! Please read the article, compare your experiences and leave your feedback here.

I would like to re-introduce you to Sudarshan Madabushi. Almsot 10 years ago he shared a series of articles on Ayurvedic diets. This may be of interest to you. To read his articles, click here.

Take a peek to the right side of this news letter for cultural tips from the months and years past. Here is a list of other posts from this past month that will be of interest:
ESL Podcasts - Train Your Ear to Hear American English Sounds and Words - Sounds to Distinguish "L/R","TH/D","TH,S","TH,TT"
Listen to your English Podcast, click here.

ESL Podcast - Train Your Ear for American English - Distinguishing Sounds in Similar Sounding Words "S/TH","CH/SH", "T/TH"(Part 2 of 4)
Listen to that podcast, click here

"Challenges One May Face in Learning Another Language" is a podcast I made sharing my experience learning a forieng language in another country.
Listen to the podcast on language learning challenges with tips, click here.

If you have ideas for articles or feedback on anything on my blog, do not hesitate to contact me! I enjoy hearing from you. It is because of you that all this is possible!

Yours in inspiration,

Jennifer Kumar, CC, LMSW

Cultural and Lifestyle Adjustment Coach
Authentic Journeys

"Helping You Live Your Best Life... Anywhere Life Takes You!"

c2010 Authentic Journeys, do not replicate any text, articles, e-books, videos, photos, images or podcasts from this newsletter or website without permission. Thank you.
Feel free to pass this newsletter on to a friend.
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Enhance Your Authentic Journey:
FREE! Cross-cultural trainings via articles,
videos and podcasts!

Cross-Cultural Success:

How To Choose the Right Path
in Studying or Living Abroad

Life Coaching Inspiration
From Darkness to Light
By Padmini Natarajan

English Tips (ESL/ESOL)
Is your Indian friend saying
New York or Newark?

America Cultural Tip
America's Cultural Treasures:
How car repair franchises,
McDonald's and Google
maps are connected

India Culture Tip
Cleanliness across Cultures:
Complete Guide to
Bathrooms in India

Are you inspired by
these tips?
Do you want to participate
in cross-cultural mentoring
or English tutoring?
Contact me!

Jennifer Kumar, LMSW, CC