Let's Sing a Lieberman Song

(To the Tune "If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands")

If you're Hebrew and you know it clap your hands
If you're Hebrew and you know it clap your hands
'Cus the man from Tennessee picked a Jew to be VP
If you're Hebrew and you know it clap your hands

If you're Hebrew and you know it stomp your feet
If you're Hebrew and you know it stomp your feet
'Cus we're getting four more years
Plus a bagel and a schmear
If you're Hebrew and you know it stomp your feet

If you're Hebrew and you know it raise your fists
'Cus Hillary really made us pissed
But we're not angry anymore
Thanks to Lieberman and Gore
If you're Hebrew and you know it raise your fists

Now if Bush and Cheney make you say, "Oy, vey"
Then just remember on Election Day
To get out the vote for Al
and his little Jewish pal
And then maybe we will finally have a say

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