My Prayer

Dear God....

If you could only spare the time to let Roxy lie down beside your feet, If you could pat her head and let her in or send an angel to the gate to meet her when she comes, lost and forlorn; If you could help in any way, I would be glad for she had never been alone until today, And even in Heaven, I know she will be sad without my voice to chase her fears away. She'll miss our reassuring had upon her head. You see, we were inseparable, and now She will not understand this being dead. I do not understand it well, myself. O please dear God , give her a place to wait through the years, Until the day I meet her at your gate.

How do I love Thee? Let me count the ways, I love Thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.....

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Roxy's Story

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