And here is the "star" and only man in the class.

When I first met Ken, he was so quiet and seemed a bit on the shy side!! Well let me tell you....once he got his hands on that keyboard he took off like a "shooting star"!!!

He can now show others how-to and where-to, find the sites and keys you need to use to open up a whole new world!!

Jim, my husband, and I had a chance to spend an evening with Ken shortly after we met. The three of us had dinner together down on the ocean side, and had a wonderful chat. This is a man that we will always consider a "friend"!!

Now when I walk into the Epiphany Manor for our weekly session, it is great to find Ken and another "student" working on the keyboard together!!

This is what I had hoped would take place when this program first started. We are never too "old" to "learn" and to "teach"!!

Ken is now learning to build his own web page using the Page Bulider that WebTv has offered us. And only a week ago was helping Carol to do the same. Very soon there will be links here so all can view their work.

I have to tell you that ALL of the "Epiphany Surfers"(a name they chose to call themselves) have a special place in my heart!!

Here we all are, volunteers included. There a few that are not pictured here.

Very soon we will be holding a graduation ceremony and there will be more pages here for your enjoyment. I will be telling you a little bit about each and everyone of these remarkable people.......YES too!!! HAHA