This is the home of the disAbilitiies Chronicle. It features news and updates on all facets of disabilities and the disability movement, advocacy, empowerment, independent living philosophy, the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act), other links and resources, assistive technologies, an open forum on related issues, and much more!

My name is John Standing Eagle...and these subjects are of special concern to me because I have had a disability since the age of fourteen. I am also half Native American (Ojibway). For this reason, I have constructed a special site targeted specifically to address the unique needs and concerns ofNative Americans with disAbilities.

I currently serve as the Home Modification Coordinator for the cities of Glendale and west Phoenix, Arizona. The Home Modification Program is administered through ABIL (The Arizona Bridge To Independent Living) in Phoenix, Arizona.

Keep watching as this this project unfolds and evolves. If you or a loved one has a disability, this is the site to bookmark and watch.

Your input towards this important effort would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to e-mail me or write to me at the address below with your ideas and suggestions.

Keep an eye on this section. It will feature services, links and other valuable resources as well as the site directory. Check back often!

John Standing Eagle
P.O. Box 35095
Phoenix, Arizona 85069


E-Mail Me!!