INDEX (by author's name):
A thru C:
D thru F:
G thru I:
J thru L:
M thru O:
P thru T:
U thru Z:
my first website:
Quotes of Interest to the Queer (and otherwise Human) Community...
I have made an effort to keep this collection of quotes limited to those primarily associated with the GLBTQI...(alphabet soup!) Communities and their struggles for equal rights and fair treatment - under the law, and in all aspects and institutions of our society. Because I love quotes, I have also included a few others that may not seem relevant to that topic in particular, but these all pertain to humanity and can be of interest to anyone familiar with humanity!
To contact me with questions, suggestions, etc:
- john, a.k.a. john2go and/or johnnr2
White Deer, Pennsylvania
United States
Remember, ISP's come and go, but yahoo is forever! (?)