FFTactics Characters

Ramaza is the true hero of the Lion War you play the game through his eyes. His two older brothers are forceful military corp leaders. He is a graduate of the Gariland officer acadamy. History will remember him as a jealous half-brother who became a "Heretic" and an enemy of the state, but as the real story unfolds the truth can be seen.


Princess of the land of Ivalice, her abduction by a mysterious knight starts the Lion War. Ovelia is disgusted by the attempts of both sides of the war effort to use her. She becomes the greatest victim of the whole war.



Delita is the supposed Lion War Hero who brought peace to land of Ivalice. Delita's family the Hyral served the Beoulve family; thus Delita and Ramaza grew up together as best friends almost brothers. Ramaza's father got Delita into the Gariland Military Acadamy with Ramaza even though he was not a noble.


Prince Goltana is the younger cousin of the King. After his death Goltana clames the throne but is opposed by Larg. Prince Goltana ruled the Zeltennia Family and held the Black Lion Crest



Larg is the older brother of Princess Ovelia. He controls the Gallione Family and uses the White Lion Crest. He will use his sister to try and advance his own agenda.




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Copyright Adrian Velez Oct 1998:Last revised: October 16, 1998. Most images are trademarks of Squaresoft