Victor Tsoi
Victor Tsoi is a well-known Russian musician who is also a poet, a singer
and an artist. His songs mean a lot to me and I just wanted to try to share my feelings
with you. His popularity has reached even bigger heights after his death. The phenomenon of Victor Tsoi can only be compared with that of Kurt Cobain, except for Victor became perhaps the most influential musician in the last twenty years. Even today you can find the graffiti remembering Victor in every Russian town. The scene that keeps on coming back in my mind is when Victor sings "Peremen!" ("I want changes!") in front of thousands of his fans who are holding candles. Truly, the last hero.
Brief chronology of Victor Tsoi's life and
creative work
21 of June 1962 - .
1974-77 - Victor organises a group called "PALATA No 6"
together with Maxim Pashkov.
1981 - Victor organises a group called "GARIN I GIPERBOLOIDY"
together with Alexy Rybin and Oleg Valinsky.
1982 - An album entitled "45" comes out. Tsoi meets
Marianna. First concerts of "KINO" and "AKVARIUM" together.
1983 - Alexy Rybin leaves the group. Victor finishes a record
entitled "46".
1984 - An album called "Natchalnik Kamchatki" comes
1984 - The second form of "KINO" is formed : Tsoi,
Kasparyan, Titov, Guryanov. Later Titov is replaced by Igor Tikhoromirov.
1985 - Victor marries Marianna.
5 of August 1985 - Marianna gave birth to Sasha.
1985 - An album called "Eto nye lyubov" comes out.
1986 - An album entitled "Notch" comes out.
1986 - Victor pursues his acting career in
- Rashid Nugmanov's "Konets kanikul"
- Alexy Utchitel's "Rock"
- Sergei Soloviev's "Assa"
- Alexy Utchitel's "Poslednii geroi"
1988 - An album "Gruppa krovi" comes out.
1988 - Rashid Nugmanov's second movie starring Victor Tsoi comes
out. It's called "Igla".
1989 - A recording disc called "Poslednii geroi" comes
out in France.

1989 - A record called "Zvezda po imeni Solntse" arrives.
A trip to USA.
1990 - A trip to Japan. The last album is recorded.
15 of August 1990 - .
In addition to the albums above, a number of other records
came out including "Neizvestnye pesni"and "Kino-Raritety".
These recordings feature songs that are mostly unknown to general audience.
Here is a list of these songs :
"Neizvestnye pesni"
- "Podrostok"
- "Bratskaya lyubov'"
- "Razreshi mne"
- "Leto"
- "Stan' ptitsey"
- "Ya khochu byt' kochegarom"
- "Zavtra voina"
- "Grabitel' kholodil'nikov"
- Unnamed songs
Other songs
- "Sosny na morskom beregu" (it was excluded from last album, included in the remastered release)
- "Rumba"
- "Peremen!" (it was included in "Assa" soundtrack)
- "Frantzuskii botzman" (Tsoi & Kuryokhin)
- "Spirt i sok"
- "Seraya ten'"
- "Zima"
- "Moye nastroyenie"
- "Ya - asfal't" (it was excluded from "45")
- Unnamed songs

Also, one can find other items which include his recordings with "PALATA
and others.
"Frantzuskii botzman" in Win1251 (Tsoi & Kuryokhin)
You can find some of Tsoi's music at CD Express which has some of the digitally remastered CD's by Kino that have been released recently.
Click here to
download a full collection of Victor Tsoi's lyrics.
Here are some of the memoirs of Boris Grebenschikov, Alexander Titov and Yuri
Kasparyan in Win 1251. I took them from a book called "Viktor Tsoi: stikhi, documenty,
Here you can find one of his interviews in Win 1251. Here is yet another one
Some of the pictures that are featured on this page have been scanned from a book entitled Victor Tsoi - A Photoalbum (presented by Red Wave).
Links :
This page is maintained by Joe Bakhmoutsky ( ).
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