Name:________________________ Class:________ Date:______________

Louisiana Purchase Quiz

Please fill in the blanks.

1.) The year of the Louisiana Purchase was _____________ .

2.) ____________________ was President of the United States when Louisiana was


3.) The persons who negotiated the treaty for the purchase of the Louisiana territory were

___________________ and _________________________ .

4.) ____________________ was the ruler of France when the Louisiana Purchase was


5.) Thomas Jefferson sent _________________ and ___________________ to explore the

Louisiana Territory.

6.) The exploration was named __________ _____________ ___ _____________ by

Thomas Jefferson.

7.) The Indian who accompanied the expediton was named ____________________ .

8.) The United States paid ___________________ for the Louisiana Territory.

9.) The Louisiana Territory included ___________________ Square Miles.

10.) __________________ administered George Washington's oath of office.

11.) __________________ wrote the Declaration of Independence.

12.)The man who was named Chief Justice of the Supreme Court when the

new government began was ____________________ .