Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Warner Brothers; 2 Discs; Widescreen Edition; D+

Now let's just say that I, by luck, had discovered the fountain of youth, and I magically became a kid. Let's propose, with the money I don't have, I buy the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone DVD. Now let's say I check it out. Let's say that in this state of age I would be enthralled with it. Now let's get back to reality: I'm an 18 year old who likes her DVDs loaded with a lot of goodies. In no way shape or form does the DVD for the first Harry Potter movie satisfy that desire. The word "pointless" comes to mind. For example, in order to get to the deleted scenes (and there's only seven as far as I can tell), you have to figure out some silly puzzle. And then there's hundreds of little features on the characters, which would be good hadn't they just been edited clips from the movie. If we want to see Professor Snape (Alan Rickman) yell at his students we'll watch the movie, alright? For all of its hype and fancy packaging this one very disappointing DVD. Just get it for the movie, if anything else, and please, get it on sale.