Tori Amos Links - Add Your Site

General    Games    Awards    Webrings/Banner Exchanges    E-Cards

Song Interpretations    Bootlegs    Desktop/Website Graphics    Rape/Abuse

have a tori amos related web site or page?  let me know!

i'm looking to have an accurate and complete indexing of all tori-related pages on the internet.  that is, of course, a HUGE, nearly impossible job.  submitting your site (or any other that you know of that isn't already listed at this link index) is a HUGE favor to me, and i thank you!  :)

your name:

your e-mail:

is this your web site/page?
yes, it is my web site/page
no, this web site/page belongs to someone else

the web page title:

the web page URL:

which section(s) does the site/page belong in (check all that apply)?
general tori site  (the usual content:  pics, sound clips, lyrics, etc.)
tori merchandise  (this does not mean a listing of tori stuff you have; this means you're selling tori stuff)
specific deadline  (i.e. project sites, events, etc.)
              * PLEASE specify that when that deadline ends: 
tori games
tori awards to win  (this does not mean displaying awards you have won; it means you're giving out awards)
tori webring and/or banner exchange  (this does not mean you are in some webrings; this means you run a
tori e-cards
tori song interpretations
tori bootlegs
tori desktop/website graphics
tori-related rape/abuse support

enter a relatively short description of the site:


THANK YOU!!  :)   pick up your thank you gift!

* NOTE: this form gets sent to me, and i manually add your site to the proper page(s) of links.  your site will NOT automatically be added when you hit the "submit" button.


"exit 75"


© 1999 "no one's picking up the phone"