The Magic of Midpoints
Mini Lesson - page 5
(C) Copyright by Steven Lee, 1999.  All rights reserved.



Alfred Witte was a genius, and one of the tricks that he gave us was the 90 degree dial.  Notice how easy it is to see that the Sun and Moon make a prominent aspect to each other (we do not care whether it is 90 or 45 degrees or whatever) AND it is so easy to include the MC in this planetary picture. BTW, that's a mouse-drawn green arrow   :-))

Once again, the pointer is indicating this main planetary picture:
MC = Su/Mo

For those of you who go on with the OCA course, you are going to find out a lot more, including how to make a 90 degree dial (it is not difficult at all), and such things as the Jupiter/ Uranus combination over there by the green arrow (Solar Fire draws red lines between the planetary pictures).  Go up and find it.  Ebertin gives Ju/Ur as the "Thank the Lord" point and a "blissful realization".  How accurate for Mother Teresa!

Mother Theresa's chart is one of my favourites.  When you start turning the dial and putting the pointer on various planets (axis), you can easily see how beautiful it is. 
Quite unlike Adolf Hitlers!

For Hitler's chart, go to:


Midpoint Astrology Web Site         Uranian Astrology Web Site