"Woodenheads" by Faye Manning (c) 1998

=woodenheads and pop-tops=

cold Kalijah.....mountain dew

painted spirit.....shasta brew

here and there spring

bubbly few

witness here.....some canned reaction

soul-filled, skillful satisfaction

sound and fury.....heaven's melody

soar sublime.....low-high we climb

fallen angels.....blossoming death

a moment's sigh.....to cry, to fly

this treasured breath

touch the strings.....the master's hand

the heart, the eye.....the years that fly

and turn to sand.....the darkest sky

coldest night and lonely ones

the ears have sight.....and fingers sing

electric trembling trill caress

excite the waves.....the wind's finesse

blow strong and sure.....applause secure

we love you So.....you *cannot know

and never see.....except to feel

the energy flow

= = = = = = = = = =

This (un)poem was inspired by Steve Vai and his performance at The River Queen Showplace, G3: 28 Sep 1997 (&&&) of "For the Love of God"... This song/performance from the cd |G3 Live in Concert| also nominated for a Grammy (1997).

[[..Thank You, Steve!..]]

The very moment I most want the artist to see and feel my love (for their art, their playing of the song) is the exact moment the artist is most focused on the music. It just so happens that musical juncture is *The *Moment - the Meta-Moment - the one time "I" (as the fan, the observer, the audience) am lost to the artist - the artist is lost to all except the music. It's then my job to become One with the music, that's the Only place to Be, since the artist will NEVER "see" my love in that moment - the eyes, the mind, the soul, the entire being of the artist is tuned to the Music and the Performance.

three circles,


More (un)poetry, Other Links (&&&)...

G3 Concert Review: River Queen Showplace 9/28/97
More (un)poetry ... : ... links to all titles...
Front Door ... : ... Contents... ...Dragon... ...What's Cookin'...
Notes on (1997) G3 Grammy Nominations ... : ...kudos to the Kings of Guitar!
Three Essays on Live Performance ... : ...Value... ...Yin/Yang... ...Let's "Hear" It!

[[...28 Jan 1998...]]