This post can be accessed at: Subject: Wishkah (was Re: Completion of B-Sides/Unreleased?) From: (RottenTanx) Date: 1998/03/29 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Evad195 wrote: (btw, this thread is all about wishkah now, so I've changed the topic...I think some of you others should consider doing this in other threads -- when I open up a thread about Dave on the Daily Show and get lung cancer thrown in my face, i get perturbed) >Can anyone tell me why Scentless Apprentice was on Wishkah? It's an OK song, It rules! It's one of their best songs from the "experimental era". Dave's drum line rules and the noisefest in the middle takes that song to new levels. However, a better choice would have been the 1/23/93 version, OBVIOUSLY, but the version on Wishkah is super-cool none-the-less. Perhaps I should mention that when I bought Wishkah, I listened to it 3 times that week. I've probably listened to it twice since then. I mean, it was all stuff I already had on bootlegs anyway, and none of the performances (except for Polly..) were that spectacular that the quality upgrade made me want to listen more. Now, this record (on CD...without the cool chatter) runs for 54:03. That is the BIGGEST fuckin slap in the face to me. They could have packed TWENTY MORE MINUTES of material on here! That's crazy! However, about all this chatter about how it was supposed to be an overview of their tours, I'd have to say that's crap. Any 1990 shows on there? Nope...In fact, this CD is drawn from only 10 shows, several of which were already available in amazing quality format (11/25/91, 10/31/91, 12/28/91, 11/19/91, and 8/30/92). There should be one song per concert, instead of 2 or 3 from each (ie: Del Mar). I mean, I remember in 1994 when all the rumours of the Unplugged/Live Double CD coming out were boiling, it was a HUGE deal (I think some magazine even ran an article on it) that the live disc would contain "Sappy" (or Verse Chorus Verse, whatever). I mean, it was a huge deal. That, to me, is one of the quintessial Nirvana songs and absolutely deserved to be on there. (btw, how would y'all have felt if they had put 3 songs from 2/22/94 on there? ha!) All right, paragraph break. I'm just as pissed as any of you that the disc didn't contain anything "rare", and we all know that Nirvana DAT-taped almost all of their shows so a good quality version of "In His Hands" or "Help Me" wouldn't be very hard to find at all. I mean, "You Got No Right" just SHOULD have been there. However, perhaps they're saving all of this cool shit for the box set... Now, WHAT is with the incorrect dates in the liners? That's crazy...I mean, can anyone comprehend how the band could get their own tour dates wrong? Unless we're the ones who have them all wrong (1/5/94??)...'s not all THAT bad, I actually really like the artwork, and some of the songs are wicked..but some are not. For instance: Drain You: A neat chorus-laden intro, however I would have much preferred an In Utero tour version...the bridges in those performances were crazy. Spank Thru: Um..actually, this is a lame performance. Dave didn't give it his whole. Watching the video, you can see the boredom in their eyes. I never thought I'd say it, but Chad really rocked this song. Scentless Apprentice: A stellar version..I love Pat's little "bleep" guitar skronk thang in the 2nd (?) verse. Milk It: Oh yes, the cream of the crop...this performance rules. I wish they had used Radio-Friendly Unit Shifter to open this album...wowee zowee. Polly: This is a great vocal performance. I actually really like this version a lot. HOWEVER, an acoustic one w/ Melora's cello line would have been even better. Breed: This should have been locked in the closet, it flat-out sucks. Chad couldn't propell this song at all. Kurt hits the wrong chord during the intro. Terrible performance. Tourette's: A nice inclusion, but the soundboard Reading show already available was fine, thanks. There are many other performances I would have rather seen..All Apologies from 9/10/92, without a doubt...SOMETHING from 1990...sheesh..just anything. Big Cheese w/ Dave on vocals? sure! Paper Cuts? sure! Yeah, WAIT A MINUTE! Where's all the wicked 87/88 stuff like Hairspray Queen and Aero Zeppelin?? I'm getting more disappointed as I go on here... Finally, this disc simply should have closed w/ Endless, Nameless. Any version. Preferably one with a LOOOONG noisefest at the end (10/30/92 anyone?). That could have EASILY filled out 15-20 minutes at the end of the disc. THAT would have made the album absolutely worth buying. Oh well. Chris