This post can be accessed at: Subject: How many does it take to screw in a light bulb? From: Date: 1998/06/18 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: HOW MANY ALT.MUSIC.NIRVANA-ers DOES IT TAKE TO SCREW IN A LIGHT BULB? 1000! 1 to announce that it burned out. 1 to write a message that it's better to burn out than to fade away 10 to announce that they've set up a quest to find a new light bulb that no one has ever seen before. 10 to say that the new light bulb is a fake. 5 to horde the new light bulb so that no one ever sees it 150 to say that they're glad that the old light bulb burned out. 1 to say that the old light bulb burned out because of Courtney Love 1 to make a movie about how Courtney Love had snuffed out the old light bulb 20 people from Geffen to release video tapes and performances of the old light bulb to cash in on it 5 to say that a candle is better than light bulbs 50 to say that they liked the old light bulb better 30 to offer to sell copies of the old light bulb at 10 times the cost of the original 3 to make a new light making device and say that it's really the new light bulb 15 to complain to Geffen to release more light bulbs 10 to announce the fact that there is a hidden switch to turn on the light bulb 20 to say that the new light bulb should not be like one of the old light bulbs that they already have 40 to say that rap music is better than light bulbs 5 to document all the times the old light bulb was turned on 300 to say "the light bulb sucks" and 323 more to say "no, you suck!" -- remove my pants to e-mail or reply