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Many people have asked me what exactly a music publisher does, so I decided to provide you with that information.

A music publisher licenses your songs for film, recording, musical theater etc. They also will get you two types of royalties performance and mechanical. Peformance royalties are royalties obtained through having your songs peformed live or radio. Mechanical are royalties obtained through record sales.

A publisher will also pitch your songs to their connections.

A publisher receives 50% of your royalties and this is for the life of the song. Once they publish your song the copyright will convert to them and you will share a 50/50 split and this is with a reputable publisher.

Another thing is it is hard to get a publisher to work with your songs due to the large volume of songs they receive, therefore it may benifit you greatly to be your own publisher. Another fact is when you sign a publishing contract, which is usually at least for 1 year minimum, your songs can sit on the shelf doing nothing, therefore no money is earned.

If your songs have sat on the shelf for years chances are they've now lost their appeal by becoming dated.

My book gives you the major connections and shows you how to do it yourself cutting out publishers and being your own publisher step by step. This way you won't need to share your royalties. There are also music publishers to submit to in the book if you are looking to work with someone else.

The main benefit of working with a REPUTABLE publishing company is they have already made connections and can get your material heard. However, you will learn to do this yourself through my book.

A great publishing contract is the "Songwriters Guild Contract". If you do receive a publishing contract, please have it reviewed by someone who knows how to read this type of contract, preferably by an entertainment attorney or the guild. Remember just because you receive a publishing contract and sign it, this does not make you published. To be published money must be earned for your songs.

Some publishers may offer you a staff writer deal. The flaw with a "work for hire" is you are paid an outright fee for your song and they now own your song fully. If you were paid an outright fee for your song and your song later becomes a hit, you will receive no money, because you lost ownership of your song. So be careful when considering this type of a deal.

"key To Music Success" will show you step by step how to be your own publisher. It will teach you how to call the major companies and say the right things to be considered solicited and get your music heard. It also provides you all the major connections needed, including major record companies and film and television companies with all their names and personal phone, fax, email and website addresses. We also provide major publishers if you want to go that route. Also comes with tip sheet and various companies seeking material.

Remember reputable companies never ask you for money!

Key To Music Success
P.O. Box 12
Westport, Massachusetts 02790
United States