Peak of Passion

Year released: 1992

Chinese title: ¨R ¤Ñ ¤p ¤l (Chung Tin Siu Chi)

English title: Peak of Passion

Vietnamese title: Xung Thiên Tiêu? Tu'?

Number of chapters: 20

Rating: (I didn't watch this one yet)

Theme songs:
  • "Because of you Babe" by Grasshopper
  • "?" by Julian Cheung


Julian Cheung Chi-Lam
Calvin Choi Yat Chi
Remus Choi Yat-Kit
Edmond So Chi-Wai
Michelle Fung Hiu-Man
Rain Lau Yuk-Choi

Short Review:

This is a typical story of young adults from different backgrounds who are brought together by one main goal of climbing Mt. Everest. I really like this series b/c the of the story line of Remus and his struggle in society after being released from a Correctional center for killing another teenager and then his struggle with making his dream come true of climbing the mountain his dad died doing even when life told him he couldn't (he was diagnosis with lukemia). The only bad thing of the whole series is that Chi-Lam is a semi bad guy who is willing to give up his friends, family, and girlfriend make his own dreams come true resulting in losing his chance to become part of HK top Mountain climbing club, almost gets caught doing a deal for a gang, and mostly importantly of the whole series is his friends. But don't worry like most series this also has a happy ending.

I thought the series was kind of too short and many things seem to happen to fast and not allowing the characters to develop thus having some bad acting. If you are looking for a good acting quality from chilam this is not the series but again this was his first and look how much he has inproved such as in condor and cold blood. This would have been better if they had other female actors cuz the ones' they had inther series are really really bad I think the only good acting job was from the older actress who plays the mother and this is pushing it. i do have raves for the acting of Remus which is very good and believing!! The real good thing is that Chi-Lam look very very cute and he does sing a song for the series ;)

Thank you Michelle Y. Ma for doing this review.


Character's Name Name of Actor/Actress
Pauly Cheung Pui-ChungJulian Cheung Chi-Lam
Chun Kum-OnCalvin Choi Yat-Chi
Ko Man-KitRemus Choi Yat-Kit
Chek Ho-LunEdmond So Chi-Wai
?Michelle Fung Hiu-Man
AmandaRain Lau Yuk-Choi


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