Backyard Zoo, Part III

by Phyllis Beebe

At Six AM

At six oclock the mother bird
wakes up from her rest.
"Get up", she tells her children,
"Its time to clean the nest,
But first we'll all have breakfast.
Who'll eat the biggest worm?
And then we'll have a song fest
Each singing in his turn.
Later we'll all go flying
Over trees and rivers wide
I'll show you where the berries are
And where the best bugs hide.
When Evening comes, we'll settle down
Again in our snug nest,
To preen our feathers, clean our bills
And take another rest."

Golden Visitor

Perched on the feeder
Cracking sunflower seed,
The Goldfinch, not following the leader
Of his flock with equal speed,
Pauses to renew his strength
Knowing Mother Nature and her
Plans for his fall flight's length.

The Casual Cat

The Casual Cat while strolling the lawn,
Doesn't notice she stilled the merry birds song.
When she stops for a wash, something catches her eye
With surprise and chagrin, she sees the birds fly."