Designed & maintained by (!) Kevin Powell (!)
part of the CircleOmega organisation
+++ Updated Virtual URL:
(*) Primary access - | Q17=1071drg15 |
+++ Websites weve engineered
+++ Music from CircleOmega
+++ Works
+++ JavaScript
+++ Net
+++ Q17 Lunivenusian Calendar
+++ Hanzi
+++ Galleries
+++ Blogs
+++ Legacy Projects
+++ RANCOR - Redundant Array of No Cost Online Resources
+++ Contact
+++ Links
![]() |
![]() |
+++ Current
+++ Search
(*) CraigsList (*) Google Translate (*) (*) (*) Intelius (*) (*) Topozone (*) StreetView (*) MarcoPolo (*) MemeBetter (*) RemovePaywall (*) CIA homepage (*) NASA homepage (*) Yahoo! homepage (*) Open Directory Project (*) UN Organisation Locator (*) = (telnet) |
+++ Reality
+++ Webcams
(*) CamSnip worldcams
(*) map / list - camscape (*) map / list - earthcam (*) map / list - go & roam (*) map / list - webcamtaxi (*) map / list - (*) list - coolwebcams (*) list - (*) list - insecam (*) list - (*) list - weather-forecast (*) list - web-online24 (*) list - webcamgalore (*) list - webcamsmania (*) list - webkams (*) list - wxyzwebcams |
(*) CL - Aerodromos
(*) HK map - traffic (*) HK map - weather (*) RU - Biysk (*) RU - Kemerovo (*) RU - Krasnoyarsk (*) RU - KSCnet (*) RU - Omsk (*) RU - Novokuznetsk (*) RU - Saratov (*) RU - Sochi |
(*) SG - onemotoring
(*) US AK - Anchorage (*) US AK - AVO webcams (*) US AK - FAA weather cams (*) US AK - KPU Ketchikan (*) US ID - ITD webcams (*) US NY - Lower Manhattan |
AE Dubai - coastal zone monitoring :: AM Yerevan :: AN Bonaire - reefcam :: AQ Amundsen-Scott :: BR Recife - PrataDoVale :: CA BC - Vancouver :: CA NF - StJohns :: CY CyprusCams :: EC :: FK Stanley :: GL Nuuk :: GR Naxos :: ID Bali :: ID Jakarta :: ID MtLokon :: ID MtMerapi :: IN Arunachala :: IN Chennai :: ISS :: IT Naples &c. :: IT Venice - Bacino sMarco :: IT Venice - Rialto Bridge :: JP MtFuji - city of :: JP fujicalm :: JP TVyamanashi :: JP Tanegashima :: JP Wuzhou :: KL KualaLumpur :: KZ Astana :: MN UlanBator :: MX Popocatepetl :: NO Oslo :: NP Ghandruk :: NP Kathmandu :: NZ Shoal Bay :: NZ Taranaki :: OM Dhank :: PA Panama canal - requires Flash :: RU Arsenyev :: RU Barnaul :: RU Kemerovo :: RU Moscow - Ostankino Tower :: RU Moscow - Ryazan Ave :: RU Nizhny Novgorod :: RU Novosibirsk - Proshad Energetikov :: RU Omsk - bridges :: RU Saransk :: RU Sevastopol :: RU Ulan-Ude :: RU Yekaterinburg :: SA Kaaba :: SG Downtown :: TH Phuket - lotus lodge :: UA - Kiev :: US AK - Denali NPS :: US AK - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner :: US AK - Juneau :: US AK - Shishaldin :: US AK - Skagway :: US CA - Berkeley LHS :: US CA - Butte County :: US DC - National Mall :: US FL - FSU :: US HI - Kilauea :: US MO - LaPlata :: US MO - StJoseph :: US MT - Lake McDonald :: US NE - Bailey Yard :: US TX - Port Isabel :: US TX - Reunion Tower :: VU Vanuatu
+++ PhotoSpheres
Nizhny Novgorod
+++ Oregon
:: tax
:: insurance
:: usda
:: century21
:: coldwellbanker
:: compass
:: craigslist
:: estately
:: hubzu
:: hud
:: movoto
:: mystatemls
:: point2homes
:: propertyshark
:: redfin
:: remax
:: rockethomes
:: trulia
:: usdaproperties
:: vylla
:: yandex
:: zillow
+++ The World of News
:: americasvoice.
:: AMG.
:: AnchorageDailyNews
:: AntifaNews.
:: Buzzfeed
:: CampusInsanity
:: Cursor
:: CWC
:: DailyStar.
:: DailyTruth.
:: DCNF.
:: DOGE.
:: DJT dotcom.
:: DJT Twitch
:: EurAsiaNet (OSI).
:: EY (reddit)
:: FitzInfo
:: FJB
:: FreepBook
:: Garrison.
:: Habilian
:: HeadlineUSA.
:: HimTimes
:: InfoStormer gab
:: ItsGoingDown.
:: Independent
:: InfoBRICS
:: Inter-PressService .net
:: Inter-PressService .org
:: Interfax.
:: JoeRogan
:: JWO.
:: KyivPost
:: LibsOfTikTok
:: NYPost
:: NYT
:: PakDaily
:: PakObserver
:: PakTimes
:: ParsToday.
:: ParsToday
:: RCD
:: ResearchSnipers.
:: RealRawNews.
:: Shamir
:: Stonetoss
:: StraightLineLogic.
:: StrogoSekretno.
:: SyriaReport
:: SZH.
:: TapNewsWire
:: TASS.
:: TheUglyTruth.
:: ThinkTankWatch.
:: VoE
:: Whatfinger.
8kun :: AJ+ :: :: NewsAlternative :: MediaWorld :: NFU :: :: TodaysFrontPages :: WRMEA [=] Anglin gab :: Anglin unz :: [=] ProTrumpNews :: Rantingly [=] :: :: :: :: | AOCpress :: BNB :: BreakingNews :: CFPB :: COP :: CyberBerkut :: DailyMail :: :: DJT Desk :: DJT gettr :: :: DTforPres :: E-Ariana :: Edmonds :: FitzInfo :: FreeDominion :: Fulford :: Glenn :: GreatAgain :: :: InfoWars :: JafariyaNews :: JICreport :: LibertyHangout :: :: NesaraNews :: NewsBud :: Payvand :: PoliticalSignal :: Qanonposts :: :: :: RevolutionRadio :: Rowan Berkeley :: RusReality :: Storm-Crawler :: The_Donald :: :: TheEdgeAM :: TheUglyTruth :: ThisAintHell :: Topham :: Topix :: TripoliPost :: Trump2016 :: TurkishPress :: :: :: WanglinBlog :: YemenPost :: ZeroCen |
(*) DJT 2021jan08
Allah :: AmRenaissance :: AndrewAnglin :: ArthurKwonLee :: Bando :: cancelcloco :: Carl Sprayberry :: ClassicsGroyp :: Crimethinc :: DavidDuke :: DefundIsraelNow :: DiedSuddenly :: ElonJet :: EuropaActivism :: Gnoticer :: Hezbollah :: ItsGoingDown :: JaredTaylor :: KathrynGraceJordan :: KeepNHGranite :: KevinMacDonald :: LiahLombardi :: ProjectGroyp :: RacistPedophile :: RobertDeNiro :: RTindia :: RyanRouth :: SabraG9996 :: TrumpWon :: UKgov [=] AlexBerenson :: AlexJones :: AndrewTate :: BabylonBee :: BenGarrison :: BenGarrison :: DiamondAndSilk :: DiedSuddenly :: GenFlynn :: GuntherEagleman :: InfoWars :: JamesOKeefe :: JordanPeterson :: KenKlippenstein :: Khamenei_Heb :: KandKFilm :: KathyGriffin :: LibsOfTikTok :: LucasGage :: MikeLindell :: MTG :: NickFuentes :: OwenShroyer :: PatrickByrne :: ProjectVeritas :: RogerStone :: RoseanneBarr :: RWMaloneMD :: ScottRitter :: SidneyPowell :: SimonGoddek :: StellaImmanuel :: SteveBannon :: TommyRobinson :: Ye :: YuliaNavalnaya [=] AJNlive :: AlexanderFiles :: AllenWest :: Amuse :: AyaanHirsiAli :: CandaceOwens :: ChuckSchumer :: Clandestine :: ConorMcGregor :: DavidIcke :: DmitryMedvedev :: DOGE :: DouglasMacGregor :: EdwardSnowden :: ElonMusk :: EmeraldRobinson :: GeorgeSoros :: IanCarroll :: JackPosobiec :: JamesWoods :: JDVance :: JeffRense :: KamalaHQLies :: KashPatel :: KashPatel :: KristiNoem :: KyleRittenhouse :: LargeMarge :: MAGAresource :: MariaZakharova :: MattTaibbi :: MikePompeo :: mjg59 :: OliverAnthony :: OSINTdefender :: PamBondi :: Prolotario1 :: RandPaul :: RapidRsponse47 :: RepAndyBiggsAZ :: RFKjr :: RudyGiuliani :: SecPompeo :: SenJohnKennedy :: StevenCrowder :: StoneToss :: StopWorldControl :: SyrianGirl :: TaylorLorenz :: TomHoman :: TrumpDailyPosts :: TrumpHistory :: TrumpSwifties :: TrumpWarRoom :: TuckerCarlson :: TulsiGabbard
+++ The Players
(*) Malik 2024dec29
Aesthetica :: AF Post :: Alex Jones :: Andrew Torba :: Ann Coulter :: Auron Macintyre :: Baked Alaska :: Bannons WarRoom :: Battle Beagle :: Bill Mitchell :: Billboard Chris :: Brother Nathanael :: captive dreamer :: Cassandra MacDonald :: Catturd :: Cernovich :: Charles Johnson :: Charlie Kirk :: Chief Trumpster :: Chuck Callesto :: DC_Draino :: E :: Election Wizard :: FischerKing :: Hodgetwins :: lan Miles Cheong :: Jack Poso :: James Kirkpatrick :: Jean-Francois Gariepy :: Keith Woods :: Kurt Schlichter :: Laura Loomer :: Mark R Levin :: Matt Couch :: Matt Wallace :: MeidasTouch :: Michael Tracey :: Mindy MF Robinson :: Mostly Peaceful Memes :: Mystery Grove Movie List :: Nicholas J Fuentes :: Nomad Groyper :: Owen Benjamin :: Q :: RAMZPAUL :: Richard Hanania :: Ron Filipkowski :: Ryan Fournier :: Ryan Saavedra :: Sam Hyde :: Scott Adams :: Shem Horne :: Shibetoshi Nakamoto :: SOVEREIGN BRAH :: Stew Peters :: The Babylon Bee :: The Columbia Bugle :: The Epoch Times :: The Rabbit Hole :: The_Real_Fly :: ThePersistence :: TheQuartering :: Tim Pool :: Tomi Lahren :: VDARE :: Wall Street Mav :: Whole Mars Catalog :: Will Chamberlain
+++ Telegram
(*) RDJT 2021jan17
President Trump :: RSBN :: Candace Owens :: Steven Crowder :: Donald Trump Jr :: Ben Shapiro :: Dan Bongino :: Charlie Kirk :: James Woods :: Madison Cawthorn :: Project Veritas :: James OKeefe :: Jack Posobiec :: Dinesh DSouza :: Benny Johnson :: ALX :: Ryan Fournier :: Students For Trump :: PragerU :: Turning Point USA :: The Daily Wire :: Daily Caller :: Breitbart :: TheBlaze :: Newsmax TV :: One America News Network :: NTD :: Trump Supporters Channel [=] :: :: :: :: :: ::
+++ Parler
(*) Freep 2021jan09
AndyNgo :: BatchelorShow :: Bonginoreport :: Candace :: CPAC :: DavidLimbaugh :: Dbongino :: Devinnunes :: DiamondAndSilk :: EricTrump :: GatewayPundit :: GenFlynn :: GlennBeck :: GovernorNoem :: IvankaTrump :: JennaEllisEsq :: JimJordan :: JordanSekulow :: KayleighMcEnany :: KurtSchlichter :: LauraLoomer :: LeoTerrell :: linwood :: LouDobbsTonight :: Mariabartiromotv :: MarkDice :: Marklevinshow :: MegynKelly :: MichelleMalkin :: NRA :: OANN. :: ParlerNews :: Posobiec :: projectveritas :: SeanHannity :: SeanSpicer :: SebGorka :: SharylAttkisson :: SidneyPowell :: StevenCrowder :: TeamTrump :: TedCruz :: TomFitton :: TuckerCarlson :: TulsiGabbard :: WashTimesOpEd
+++ Woke Corporatocracy
(*) ConservativeUS 2020jun06
23andme :: 72andSunny :: AbbVie :: Abbey Road Studios :: The Academy (the Oscars) :: Activision Blizzard :: Adidas :: Airbnb :: Alaska Airlines :: Amazon :: AMD :: American Airlines :: American Express :: American Apparel :: Apple Music :: Ancestry :: Armani :: Astro Gaming :: AT&T :: Atlantic Records :: AWS :: AXE :: Barclays Bank :: Barnes&Noble :: Bandcamp :: Bank of America :: Bayer :: Bergdorf Goodman :: Bethesda :: Ben&Jerrys :: Billboard :: BMW :: BP :: :: Boost Mobile :: Bratz :: Burger King :: Bungie :: Burberry :: Burts Bees :: Cadillac :: Call of Duty :: Capcom :: Capitol Records :: Canada Goose :: Cartoon Network :: Chick-fil-A :: Chipotle :: Cisco :: Citigroup :: Coca Cola :: Colourpop Cosmetics :: Conde Nast :: Converse :: CORSAIR :: Creative Commons :: Criterion Collection :: Crunchyroll :: CW :: CVS :: DHL Express :: Dell :: Degree :: Devolver Digital :: DIRECTV :: Discord :: Disney :: Doritos :: DoorDash :: Doulingo :: Dribbble :: Dropbox :: E News :: EA :: Eaton :: eBay :: Eight Sleep :: ESPN :: Etsy :: FedEx :: Fender :: Figma :: FILA :: Fitbit :: Foot Locker :: Formula 1 :: FOX :: Frosted Mini Wheats :: Funimation :: GameSpot :: Gartner :: Gatorade :: Genentech :: General Motors :: Gibson :: Glossier :: GoDaddy :: Goldman Sachs :: GoFundMe :: Google :: GoPro :: Gorilla Glue :: Grammarly :: Grindr :: Guerilla Collective :: Gumroad :: Gushers :: Habitat for Humanity :: Harrys :: HBO :: HBO Max :: Headup :: Help Scout :: Hersheys :: H&M :: Home Depot :: Honda :: HP :: Hulu :: Humana :: Humble Bundle :: HyperX :: IBM :: IKEA :: IMAX :: Indiegogo :: :: Intel :: Invision :: ITV :: Kickstarter :: Lacoste :: Lego :: Levis :: Lenovo :: Lexus :: LinkedIn :: LOreal Paris :: Logitech :: Lowes :: Lucky Brand :: Lululemon :: Louis Vuitton :: Lyft :: Madden NFL 20 :: Marvel Entertainment :: Mastercard :: MATTEL :: McAfee :: McDonalds :: Merck :: Mercedes Benz :: Met Life :: Metropolitan Opera :: Microsoft :: Mozilla :: Napster :: NASCAR :: Ncsoft :: Netflix :: New Balance :: New York Life :: NFL :: NHL :: Niantic :: Nickelodeon :: Nike :: Nintendo :: Nordstrom :: North Face :: Old Spice :: OnlyFans :: Paramount Pictures :: Paramount Network :: Patreon :: Peloton :: Pepsi Co :: Pfizer Inc :: Playstation :: Plex :: Pokemon :: Popeyes Chicken :: Pop-Tarts :: Pornhub :: Porsche :: Pringles :: Procter&Gamble :: Puget Systems :: PUMA :: Pusheen :: Qualcomm :: Quicken Loans :: Reddit :: RedHat :: Red Lobster :: Red Wing :: Reebok :: Reeses :: Rice Krispies :: Riot Games :: Rockstar Games :: Salesforce :: Sanofi :: Scholastic :: Sega :: Sesame Street :: Society Generale US :: Showtime :: Sketch :: Slack :: Sephora :: Shopify :: Skillshare :: Snap :: Snapchat :: Sony :: Soundcloud :: Spotify :: Square Enix :: STARZ :: Starbucks :: Star Wars :: Subway :: Supreme New York :: Sysco Corporation :: Taco Bell :: Target :: TBS :: Tesco :: Thatgamecompany :: Ticketmaster :: TikTok :: Timberland :: Tinder :: TMobile :: Tumblr :: Twitch :: Twitter :: Uber :: Uber Eats :: Ubisoft :: Ugg :: Ulta Beauty :: Under Armor :: UnitedHealth Group :: Vanguard :: Vans :: VeggieTales :: Verizon :: VERSACE :: Vevo :: Via :: ViacomCBS :: Virgin Records :: Virta :: VIZ :: Vivaldi :: Warner Bros :: Warner Records :: Wells Fargo :: Wendys :: WeWork :: XBox :: Yamaha Music USA :: Yelp :: YouTube :: Zara :: Zildijian :: Zoom
+++ Dharma :: Access to Insight :: Journal of Buddhist Ethics Global Resources :: Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library :: Buddhism, Indology, &c. :: Internet Guide for Chinese Studies at Heidelberg :: NTU Library :: Bhikkhu Bodhi: the Noble Eightfold Path :: Bardo Thodol :: SiamSmalls :: Falun Dafa :: Soka Gakkai :: Drs Yogi C M Chen & Yutang Lin :: Dhammakaya Meditation :: SaddharmaPundarika BIG5 / GB / English :: Asian eTexts from ANU :: Tibetan Studies WWW Virtual Library :: Google Chittamatra
+++ Media
+++ Tinfoil
+++ Blacklisted News
(*) BLN 2023jun20
+++ Tech
+++ Documentation
(*) Lynx -
(*) NCSA HTML Primer - RTFM! GAFC!
(*) HTML 4.0 Reference -
(*) W3C Tech Reports - W3C home & HTML 4.1
(*) ASCII-ISO 8859-1 & HTML - character sets
(*) Roman Czyborras ISO 8859 - alphabet soup
(*) ISO 3166 - country codes
(*) Unix man pages - HTML format
(*) IANA - IP address space
(*) Protocol Directory - TCP/IP
(*) Internet Glossary - acronyms & emoticons
(*) BroadBand Reports - current & actually works
(*) ISP Planet - & "the list"
(*) Internet Service Deals - highspeed
(*) - good glossary &c.
(*) The Spam Problem - moving beyond RBLs
(*) Spam URL Realtime Blocklists -
(*) NERDC Homepage
(*) FDA/CFSAN - search for gophers too
(*) Microsloth - My XP desktop icons vanished spontaneously
(*) Windows Registry Tricks
(*) Windows StartUp Tasks
(*) RevealTrans demo - MS page transition extensions
(*) HeadsUp on Custom Scrollbars - chrome supports the standard
(*) Targeting Only Firefox w/ CSS - stackoverflow
(*) Cyrillic / Russification - KOI8-R &c.
(*) Complete Charlist - UTF-8
(*) Yamada Language Center - UOregon
(*) Oregon Libraries on the Web
(*) Library Resource List - incl LOC Z39.50 &c.
(*) PDF Owner Manuals - ford fleet
+++ Connections / Services
(*) FSDlinks
(*) - webping &c.
(*) Access Points - wifiFreespot
(*) Threat Map - fortinet
(*) Wallpapers - desktopnexus
(*) ASCII banner generator -
(*) Complaint Letter Generator -
(*) QR Code generator - BarcodesInc
(*) QR Code decoder -
(*) Telegram Analytics -
(*) DNS over HTTPS - providers
(*) = (rss) WebRSS reader - feedbucket
(*) = (rss) RSS to javascript convertor - feed2js
(*) = (rss) RSS feed widget - SoftSea Software
(*) = (net) desktop VNC - local
(*) = (net) desktop VNC - remote
(*) = (net) NetGear R6300v2 - Spectrum
(*) = (file) file://localhost - root directory
+++ Upload Access - shortcuts to non-FTP hosts
(*) tinyURL
(*) tinypic
(*) imgur
(*) imgbb
(*) postimage
(*) imageshack
(*) codepad
(*) SUSE paste
(*) gnome pastebin
(*) centos pastebin
(*) ubuntu pastebin
FreeWebs :: FreeServers :: RitzPix :: Swanlunds :: CVS
+++ Mobile
(*) Nokia 6650fold - webkit for S60v3
(*) MicroEmulator / KEmulator
(*) Nokia handsets - Mobitola
(*) GSMarena S60v3 WLAN Java phones w/ FM - normal keys
(*) GSMarena S60v3 WLAN Java phones w/ FM - qwerty KB
(*) S60v3 WLAN FlashLite 3.0 phones - Nokia Developer
(*) Nokia E73 - find it on eBay
(*) - S60v5
(*) Opera Mini / Mobile
(*) UCweb Browser
(*) X-plore file manager v1.52 -
(*) Nokia multimedia - gsmhosting forum
(*) Tetris & SWF games for the Nokia 7020 S40v6 JavaPhone -
(*) Symbian 3rd / OS9.x Java games -
(*) Nokia Java Games -
(*) Flash Lite SWF & Java games / apps -
(*) Nokia S60v3 / Nseries games 240x320 -
(*) Nokia S60v3 games - ex3mer
(*) Jupiter Lander - review @xadiance
(*) All games released for S60v03 in 2008 - nd-warez
(*) MyAcount top-up - Virgin Mobile USA
(*) Phoneky - Android apks
(*) = (file) /storage/emulated/0 - handset homepage
+++ GIFs
:: Penguins
:: Citizen Cat
:: pamyup.gif
:: MaramSusli
:: Hes dead Jim
:: Cat Surfing
:: Captain Obvious
:: buster is not a toy
:: terminator 2 bomb
:: now comes the part
:: this is america
:: Think Big
:: Pepe fractal
:: Pepe matrix
:: u.s. meme corps
:: democracy
:: nooone cares
:: alex jones was right
:: assault cat
+++ URL Redirection &c.
+++ Web Hosting
+++ Locales
+++ StJoseph
(*) NewsPressNow - local news
(*) Trail Maps - River Bluff / MTB
(*) SunBridge Hills - Conservation Area
(*) Nomad Bluffs - Ride Sleep Repeat
(*) I-29 - business loop
(*) I-229 Moving Forward - MoDOT
(*) MoDOT - Traffic Cameras
(*) Current Temperature - google
(*) Missouri Live Weather Map -
(*) Crime Anaylsis - Crime Map
(*) Most Endangered Buildings - Landmark Commission
(*) Jenna in SantaRita - folks still live in Cali ?
(*) Sinclair Dino - Noyes Blvd
(*) 2DANC18K - Denali Aire
(*) ABC Disposal - since 2001
(*) Adjustable Split Jack Posts - structural defects
(*) Alside 0301 - Performance Series
(*) Alside 0301 diagram -
(*) Alside Supply Center - KC
(*) CMCMW220 - Craftsman
(*) Cole Sewell Corp - acquired 1997
(*) Delta ScaldGuard Shower Trim - 13 Series
(*) Department of Revenue -
(*) Document Center - StJoseph
(*) - reliable, sustainable, affordable
(*) JELD-WEN - its a Menards thing
(*) Laminate vs LVP - ambient bamboo
(*) License Office - Savannah
(*) Precision Tune - 36th St
(*) ReeeeStore - Habitat for Humanity
(*) RTH111 Thermostat - Honeywell
(*) Schomburg - Heating & Cooling
(*) TDR Electrical - USFCR verified vendor
(*) ThriftWorld - Nebraska Missouri Iowa
(*) WT8840C1000 WaterHeater Gas Valve Control - also Honeywell
+++ Arcata
(*) Arcata Municipal Code
(*) California Building Standards Code - title 24
(*) Redwood Curtain Par Infinity - PDGA
(*) Arcata GIS Online - Environmental Services Department
(*) Humboldt county historic bridges -
(*) North Coast Resource Center - suspending operations
(*) Arcata Night Center Project -
(*) The Plazoid - Tad speaks
(*) Kevin Hoover on SnitchWire - no comment
(*) International Cane Corso Federation
(*) Alfred Edmunson - iconic, mercurial
(*) Big Al on JoeBlow - what does this mean?
(*) Cane Corso Rescue
(*) Aggression vs Protectiveness - Cane Corso coalition
(*) Traditional Cane Corso - Contado of Molise UK
(*) Cane Corso dog breed store - buy stuff for Al
(*) I am now a fugitive
(*) US Dept of Veterans Affairs - Homeless Veterans Home
(*) Immediate help - National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
(*) Cane Corso hoodies - cafepress
(*) Bus schedules - AMRTS (weekday)
(*) Bus schedules - Redwood Transit
(*) California Health Advocates - Medicare &c.
(*) Humboldt co HHS - adult mental health services
(*) Barter Bungalow - private nuisance
(*) Eureka Farmers Market - public nuisance
(*) CA Public Land Boar Hunting -
(*) feral + hogs dot gif - amazonaws
(*) District 2 webcams - CA DOT
(*) Redding cable TV listings -
(*) Redding Municipal Code (partial) -
(*) Redding Noise Ordinance - title 18.40.100
(*) CPC 422 - Criminal Threats
(*) Redding PD - news releases
(*) ROFL RPD - faceborg
(*) Glavset - homepage
(*) RPMredding - residential properties
(*) Airbnb is Crashing the Neighborhood - realtormag
(*) Prescriptive Easments -
(*) Towards an Anarchist Land Tenure - Anders Corr
(*) Abandoned Buildings & Lots - Center for Problem Oriented Policing
(*) Origin of the Lemurian Legend - College of the Siskiyous
(*) Inmate Locator -
(*) Inmate Info -
+++ Credits with Many Thanx
(*) Arachne - awesome DOS webbrowser / eMail client
(*) cQuicktrans - awesome Chinese translator
(*) Damn Small Linux - Knoppix / Debian on a stick
(*) Eudora - eMail v7.1 (also for MacOSX)
(*) Eudora Rescue - Thunderburp here I come
(*) Foxit PDF reader - small & fast
(*) IceChat - the IRC client cool people use
(*) ImgBurn - excellent free CD burner / copier
(*) LYNX386 - runs great even *without* Unix
(*) MailWasher - free spam bouncing
(*) MalwareBytes AntiMalware - one byte at a time
(*) MetaPad - excellent NotePad replacement
(*) Optiplex SX270 Systems Users Guide - Dell Support
(*) PDF995 - quite useful
(*) Remove Windows XP Repair - Grinler
(*) SimpTerm - Hanzi-enabled Win VT100 for TCP/IP by Jianqing Hu
(*) Thunderbird webmail extension - POP3 for your webmail
(*) MyDoom security response - Symantec
(*) W32/Rbot-OB virus information - Sophos
(*) VIA AC97 Combo Driver v5.40a -
(*) killabannerz - for example
(*) Sakar 57482 - 4.1 megapixel
(*) HEB Computer Medics - Your Personal FullService IT Department
(*) HulaZombie - Mimi Harris
(*) Vinz - a passion since early childhood
(*) RA Glover -
(*) - swiss & cheesy
(*) Tim Powell & MJ Crawford - the Language Teacher
(*) Tim Powell & MJ Crawford - CircleOmega mirror
(*) Internet Association Corporation - AlumLink eMail
(*) LanMinds Internet - Berkeley Boulder Tokyo
(*) 1stConnect - toezup
(*) ValuePlus Internet - hez cool
(*) Internet Frontier - greatest dialup ever
(*) AwesomeNet - south Texas largest dialup provider
(*) LocalNet - Buffalo dialup nationwide
(*) Charter Cable - SMTP & internet stuff
![]() |
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Last update 2025feb25om1425utc-0600 @ 2025 Screaming CuckooBroad Associates
....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4 Oo.>>>---> <----<<<.oO (((((((( )))))))) ----------------------------------------