- Trey info.
- If you have anymore info please send it to me.
- Trey Pics
- I have put up a few new pics so go check it out. As always if you got some that I don't let me know. (please)
- E.Y.C. Info.
- If you have anymore info please send me some!
- My Ultimate Newsies Quiz
- This is not working right now, but it is split into parts so if you would just like to email me the answers in parts or something. go right ahead!
- My Fan Fic
- There is now to stories up My Story and Losing It (My fav story!If you want to add a story to my page let me know, the rules are posted on this page.
- My Fav Links
- I only have a few if you want me to put your page on here please email it to me. I have added a new links it's awesome go check it out.
- Updates
- This page will tell about the going ons at my page and new info on Trey so come in and check it out I'll try to update at least once a month, cuz I got these really neat month pics... Anyway go check it out.
people have been here......go me!
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