Welcome to

Here I am
Click my pic to learn a little more about me

On this site you will find a collection of poems I have written over the last couple of years.. I have decided to put them on the Web because I would like to share my poems with the rest of the world, and the 'net is the best way to do that.

I find poetry is a good way for me to express my feelings and emotions about myself and other people. Sometimes that is the only way I can express myself!

Feel free to mail me any questions or comments you may have on my site or my poems, and sign my guestbook and join my mailing list if you'd like.
Also, send me a link to your poetry site or a poetry site you think is cool and I will put it in my link section.

my mom's poetryMy mom's poetry
My friend Craig's poetry.
some of my favorite poemsCheck out some of my favorite poems!
linksLinks to other sites with poetry.

My Poetry

Never Again
Angel Love
Judge Me
Your Love
I Love You
There For Me
My Heart's Door
Abused Angel
I Miss Her Already
True Love
Saved By Love
Helpless Child
Love Light
Believe Me
Your Love 2
Childhood Memories
The Answer I Seek
Our Love
Return To Me
I Need You Near
The Poet In Me
How Much Do I Love You?
Forever Love
The Greatest Love
Love Line
Save Me
Deja Vu
I'll Miss You
One Last Plea
Tell Me
Hidden Message
Never Forget
Love Fire
An Emotion
Will You Love Me?
I Dreamt The Kiss
She's Alone
Love In The Storm
Love Amendment
Think On This
You Are In My Dreams
You Are My Everything
Love Game
Never Give Up
In Poetry I Confess
Innocence Lost
Message In a Bottle
The Frog
Death At Her Departure
His Mercy
Missing Piece
Painful Memories
Missing You
Your Absence
Dark Emotions
Fear In a Tear

Click here for my older poems

I Love You Donna!

Click here to check out my son's website!. Click here to check out our baby website.


For those of you who would like me to write you a poem please read THIS.

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