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“There is something,..someone in the delta quadrant that even the borg fear”


United Federated Planets

Sector Regulations

Modified Stardate 9904.09

Section 1: Delta Quadrant Military Alliance Sector Description

The Delta Quadrant Military Alliance Sector is a chartered sector of the United Federated Planets inc. an interactive science fiction fan association that is dedicated to living the fantasy that is Star Trek. We are here to enjoy fellowship, and have a good time in our common interest that is Star Trek.

The sector is based entirely upon Star Trek, specifically what may be in the delta quadrant. The Delta Quadrant is a mystery. Anything that comes to the imagination is possible there. All forms of Government, Military Forces, Trade, and commerce, and Colonial life that may reside within the delta quadrant shall have a place within this sector. The Delta Quadrant Military Alliance sector shall be governed by The Altair Planetary System which is the founding chapter of this sector. Each Delta Quadrant chapter commander (or designated representitive) shall serve as that chapters representitive in the Delta Quadrant Military Alliance Government in one of the positions described in the Delta Quadrant Government Structure.

Three individuals can form a Delta Quadrant chapter. This chapter an be anything in the sci fi universe as long as it fits in the time frame and technology of the 24th century. Your chapter can be a warship, an military Heavy Cruiser, Merchant ship, or even a colony that occupies an entire planet. What you want your chapter to be is strictly up to your imagination. All that is required is that you get your new chapter chartered by filling out the chapter charter form in the forms section of the UFP web site.

Section 2: Promotions

All promotions to the rank of Lt.Commander shall be handled at the Chapter level. Promotions to the rank of Full Commander and above shall be approved at the Battle Group Commander level.
The promotion recommendation shall be submitted to the Battle Group Vice Commander for Group Commander approval by the Chapter Commander (The President of the chapter). The recommendation shall include why the individual Officer should be promoted. The recommendation shall be submitted by either e-mail or snail mail. Upon receiving the promotion request, the Battle Group Vice Commander shall review it, and make his/her recommendation to the Battle Group Commander who will have the final word on the promotion. The requesting chapter commanding officer shall be notified within 7 standard earth days.
All Promotions to the rank of Commodore/BGen shall be approved by the Admiralty Board.

Section 3: Transfer Members

Members transferring in to the Delta Quadrant Military Alliance Sector from other UFP sectors may maintain their previous rank or the Equivalent rank determined by the area that they join. Members of other organizations that transfer into the Delta Quadrant Military Alliance sector shall upon proof of previous rank keep their previous rank or equivalent (up to the rank of Vice Admiral or equivalent).

Section 4: Commendations

Commendations are given to members who have shown dedication to their chapter, the sector and or the UFP. Commendations rate highly in the promotion ctiteria.

Section 5: Demotions and disciplinary action

Demotions and disciplinary actions are generally handled at the chapter level. General Staff, and Cabinet rank civilian governemnt personnel actions shall be handled by the office of the Governor. All demotions and disciplinary actions must be reported to the Battle Group Commander or Vice Commander. Only the Governor or Deputy Governor may demote a Chapter Commander or President. Appeals may be made to the office of the Governor using the proper channels. The final word on any demotions or disiplinary action rests with the office of the Governor.

Section 6: Chapter Insignia

All Chapters are encouraged to create their own individual insignia. The insignia shall represent the Delta Quadrant Military Alliance sector and the UFP with individual chapter ideas encouraged.

Section 7: Web Sites

All Delta Quadrant chapters are encouraged to create their own web sites. this is good for recruiting, and gives the member a source of pride. It is also good for the inclusion of a newsletter that is available to all members of the Delta Quadrant Military Alliance sector.

Section 8: Chapter reports

All chapters are required to fill out a chapter report once a month by the 15 of the month. This report shall be for the previous month. As an example, reports for the month of May shall be turned in by the 15th of June. Chapters may use the automated chapter report form that is included in the forms section of the Main UFP web site.

This is the first draft of the handbook. Additions and or deletions may be neccessary when, and where needed.

Section 9: Delta Quadrant Military Alliance Structure (Military Forces)

Delta Quadrant Supreme Commander - Fleet Admiral ,Delta Quadrant Vice Commander - Admiral or Marine General, Planetary System Commander - Fleet Admiral, Planetary System Vice Commander - Admiral or Marine General, Planetary Fleet Commander - Fleet Admiral, Planetary Fleet Vice Commander - Admiral or Vice Admiral, Planetary Fleet Marine Corps Commandant - General, Planetary General of the Army - Lt. General

Battle Group:

Battle Group 1 Commander - Admiral or Vice Admiral or Marine Lt. General or Marine Maj. General, Battle Group 1 Vice Commander - Commodore or Fleet Captain (in the absence of commodore), Battle Group 1 Flagship U.S.S. Saratoga Commander - Rear Admiral or Above, Fleet Starship Captain - Lt. Commander or above, Fleet starship Executive Officer - Lt Commander

Marine Commander of Combined Air and Ground Forces (Marine, Army, Navy) - Marine Maj. General, Marine Air Wing Commander - Brig. General, Marine Ground troop Commander - Brig. General, Army Ground Troop Commander - Brig. General, Marine Air Group Commander - Lt.Colonel or Colonel, Navy Air Group Commander - Commander or Captain, Navy SeaBee Battalion - Commander, Squadron Commander - Marine Major or Navy Lt. Commander, Squadron Pilot - Marine 2nd Lt. to Captain or Navy Ensign to Lt.

All Ships Command Structure are Navy Ranks or Bridge Qualified Marine Officers

Individual Ship Command Structure is as follows:

Science Officer - Lt. Commander to Commander, Chief Engineer - Lt. Commander to Commander, Tactical/Weapons Officer - Lt. to Lt. Commander, Communications Officer - Lt.JG to Lt., Chief of Security - Lt.JG to Lt. Commander, Chief of Intelligence - Lt. to Lt. Commander, Legal Officer - Lt.JG to Lt. Commander, Chief Medical Officer - Lt. to Commander

Civilian Military Alliance Science Vessels:

Captain - Merchant Starship Academy / Qualified Deep Space, First Officer - Merchant Starship Academy / Qualified Deep Space, Navagator - Merchant Starship Navagator Academy /Deep Space Qualified, Science Officer - Delta Institute of Technology / PHD in Space Related Subjects, Crew - Merchant Starship Crewman Academy

Individual Military Officers may be Breveted ( Honorary and or Temporary ) to a higher rank due to the requirements of Fleet and or Battle Group Staffing needs

Delta Quadrant Military Alliance Government

Governor Delta Quadrant Military Alliance, Deputy Governor Delta Quadrant Military Alliance, Military Governor Altair Planetary System, Deputy Military Governor Altair Planetary System

Home Office:

Department of Planetary Development ( on World ) Department of Planetary Justice ( High Court ) Department of Planetary Investigation ( Police ) Department of Scientific Research ( On World ) Krell Scientific Research Krell Technology Research Department of Interstellar Trade and Commerce ( Includes Commercial Interstellar Fleet ) Department of the Interior Department of Transportation Department of the Admiralty: Admiral of Delta Quadrant Planetary Fleets ( Commander of all Delta Quadrant Military Forces ) Admiral of Altair System Planetary Fleets ( Commander of all Altair System Military Forces ) Admiral of Altair 7 Planetary Fleets ( Commander of all Altair 7 Military Forces ) Commander of Delta Quadrant Planetary Fleets is an elected position. To be elected to this position, the Commander must already hold the rank of Commodore, Marine Brigadier General or above. This Position is for a term of one year. Bureau of Fleet Development: Department of Naval Design and Archatecture Department of Weapons Design and Development Department of Naval Starship Construction Naval Space systems command: Department of logistics Department of Plans and Strategy Department of Ground Troop Deployment: Department of Fleet Marine Force Department of the Army Mobile Infantry

Foreign Office:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ambassadors Diplomats Consuls Military Liasons Trade and Commerce Liasons Department of Colonization Department of Planetary Development ( Off World ) Department of Scientific Research ( Off World ) Scientific Research Fleet

Contents Copyrighted © 1997 by the Altair Planetary System . Both the Altair Planetary System and the United Federated Planets recognizes Paramount Pictures Corporation and its licensees as having sole authority to generate profit from the Star Trek trademark. This Copyright in no way intends to infringe upon or earn profit from Copyrights held by Paramount Pictures Corporation or its associates.

Star Trek; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager; STARFLEET, STARFLEET ACADEMY are all registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures, a VIACOM company.

Last Updated: Feb 2, 2005 by the Altair Web Master