A N E C D O T E   I

The Random Menace

"The Empress Strikes (His) Back"
(Young Willowbee, way, waaaay back...)


Willowbee didn't really try hard when he was a pup: the latent Giblet force within him, The Karizmah, just emanated from him, drawing everyone within eyesight. This natural power renders the victims utterly gooey, sending them into a state of adoring mush. The Karizmah renders them speechless, with the exeption of sound like, "OOOhhh", or "Ooomigod! (followed by a exagerated GASP!)", or a slight whimper.
Well everyone knows (everyone who owns pugs should know) who's easily the coolest pug person: it's Doris of course! Doris Aldrich (seen here above, left) was very nice and helpful when Willowbee participated in his first (and last) pug showing. Thanks, Doris, for making the Patriot Pug Dog Club's Holloween Parade a very rewarding and fun experience. You're excellent! Willowbee got to meet some really cool Friends of Pugs at the parade. He hopes they don't mind his including them in his album.
Although he took home some awards, the poor little guy was so stressed out during the show. On top of being so small (his foster mommy had to carry him round most of the time), it was the first time Willowbee experienced smelling and seeing so many other pugs; it was so overwhelming for him!

He was being tested on all these Giblet Knight commands that he had barely practiced! All he wanted to do was run around and play with the other pugs.

Here he was, so tired from the day's ordeal. Willowbee admits he wouldn't like to go through that again.... ...Just enough energy to say "Hi!"
Some concerned friends of Willowbee whom he meet at the parade. These guys were great!

Full-fledged Giblet Knights!

Willowbee shares his Bookmarks...
The Pug Dogs Mega Page

Willowbee's Great Grandpa's (Duncan) Page
Manual of Pug Tricks

have been rendered speecless by The Karizmah.  

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